63 past events with the orchestra tag

0 upcoming events with this tag

Jan 30, 2015


Feb 20, 2015


Mar 19, 2015


  • Video Games Live with MSO 7:30pm to 12:42pm @ Emens Auditorium Ball State University 1800 W Riverside Ave, Muncie, IN 47306
    Cost: Adults: $25-$45 | BSU students $10/$15 | Youth (under 18) $15/$20 | Groups $9 off

    All gamers and symphonic music lovers will enjoy Video Games Live, a special event featuring the best game music performed by the MSO, combined with synchronized lighting, video, live action, and audience interactivity.

    Award Winning, Record Breaking Show Collides Art and Technology!

    It’s the power & emotion of a symphony orchestra mixed with the excitement and energy of a rock concert and the technology, fun and interactivity of a video games. All of it completely synchronized to amazing cutting edge video screen visuals, state-of-the art lighting, special fx and special on-stage interactive segments with the audience.

    VIDEO GAMES LIVE is a multimedia concert experience featuring the best music and exclusive synchronized video clips from the most popular games from the beginning of video gaming to the present. The show combines exclusive video footage and music arrangements with synchronized lighting, solo performers, stage show production, special FX, electronic percussionists and unique interactive segments. Whether it’s the power and passion of the more recent blockbusters or the excitement of remembering the sentimental classics you played growing up, it will truly be a special night to remember for the entire family. The show has a segment dedicated to the old retro arcade classics – but there is also modern music and older, more memorable pieces that no one has ever heard played live.

    A show created and produced by legendary video game composer and industry icon,

    Tommy Tallarico is personally involved in every show. Aside from producing, Tommy is on stage for every show as emcee and performing on guitar. The video game industry puts on the show to help encourage and support the art and culture that video games have become. 

    VIDEO GAMES LIVE bridges a gap for entertainment by exposing new generations of music lovers and fans to the symphonic orchestral experience while also providing a completely new and unique experience for families and non-gamers.

    There are Pre Show Events & a Post Show Meet-n-Greet open to all ticket holders. Pre-Show activities include a Guitar Hero competition, costume contest and prize give-a-ways. The Post-Show activities include meet and greet opportunities with industry designers/creators, composers/sound designers, voice actors, performers and more special guests.

    Tickets: Emens box office 765-285-1539, Ticketmaster.com

    More info videogameslive.com, munciesymphony.org

Mar 29, 2015


  • ECICO Memorial Concert 7pm to 12:42pm @ St. Lawrence Catholic Church 820 E Charles St


    Group to Perform in Honor of Late Doris Faulkner Stewart, Muncie Music Educator


    Come see the East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra as they perform in honor of well-known Muncie music educator Doris Faulkner Stewart.  The concert will be held on Sunday, March 29th at the St. Lawrence Catholic Church. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public, with parking being provided in the lot across from the church.


    Doris Faulkner Stewart was one of the first black instructors in Muncie Community Schools and worked for the school corporation for nearly four decades. Faulkner Stewart was the longtime coordinator of the annual Community Christmas Sing. She also was a longtime member and Minister of Music at the Bethel A.M.E. church and helped purchase the church’s first organ. Van Nelson, the director of the ECICO, added that Faulkner Stewart ended her 40-year tenure with Muncie Community Schools as Director of Fine Arts and is known for beginning the annual Thank Sing to raise money for the needy within in the Muncie community.


    The ECICO plans to honor the memory and work of this Muncie woman by joining the Planet Earth Singers in a performance of the evening’s featured piece, Theodore Dubois’ “Seven Last Works of Christ.” The orchestra will also perform two other short works: “Cavalleria rustica” by Pietro Mascagni and the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony Number 1.


    The ECICO is composed of around 30 musicians—both young and old—from around the area. The orchestra provides an opportunity for musicians who may not have majored in music in college to play in a small symphonic orchestra setting. The group receives support from the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, the Indiana Arts Commission, and Indiana Public Radio. Nelson said there is even a small number of Ball State students—music majors and non-music majors—who participate in the group.



Apr 18, 2015


Jun 13, 2015


Sep 24, 2015


Oct 7, 2015


Jun 11, 2016


  • Andante 5k Walk & Run 9am to 12:42pm @ Ball Gymnasium, Ball State University Ball State Arts Quad
    Cost: $30 adult registration, $15 for under 18

    Join the Muncie Symphony League for our first ever musical race - the Andante 5k Walk & Run! Presented as an outdoor ambulatory concert around the beautiful Ball State University campus, the course will feature 4 different live music setups along the way. Additionally, the MSO's Maestro Douglas Droste will lead off the race from the start line in his concert tails!

    The 5k will be headlined by Dr Boldylocks & The Twitter Allstars at the Start/Finish line in front of Ball Gym, two more ensembles will play at the two turnaround loops of the course, and at the center of it all, the Shafer Tower Carillon will chime away, played by Dr. Ron Rarick.

    The course has been designed to be exceptionally safe and very family-friendly. The first 2.5 miles take place over roads that will be fully closed and police-controlled. No traffice to worry about! The remainder of the course finishes up entirely on sidewalks, again - no traffic!

    In addition to the unique experience of getting to listen to live music while you run/walk, each registrant will receive a T-shirt, all age group and overall winners will receive MSO ticket packages, and even more MSO concert tickets will be given away as door prizes after the race!


    After the race, take some time to relax, maybe by visiting the Art Museum, or a restaraunt in The Village, but be sure to come back for the Muncie Symphony Orchestra's FREE outdoor concert: "Festival on the Green"! An Arts Fair will open at 5:30, followed by the concert at 7pm

Apr 7, 2018


Jun 16, 2018


  • Moonlight Movies: The Lion King 6:30pm @ Canan Commons 500 S. Walnut St

    Join us for Moonlight Movies, featuring The Lion King on June 16th at Canan Commons - sponsored by Wealth Strategies and produced by Sight and Sound. 

    Bring the entire family to experience a live symphony orchestra concert FREE with the Muncie Symphony Orchestra, 6:30 p.m., at Canan Commons, just before “Moonlight Movies” at 8:00pm. Enjoy pieces from around the world in addition to selections from “The Wizard of Oz” and “The Lion King”. And a surprise finish you won’t want to miss! After the concert, the MSO Instrument Petting Zoo will be available for children and adults to play an instrument. Stop by the MSO booth to try a violin, trombone, clarinet and more!

    Themed family activities will be provided before the movies each month. Canan Commons is located in the 500 block of South Walnut Street near the roundabout. Parking is available on the street or in the new parking garage just to the West of the Courtyard Marriot.

    Guests are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chairs and bug spray. Vendors will be on-site with light snacks. Moonlight Movies is a weather-permitting event.

    Coming up!

    July 21st - Beauty and the Beast

    August 4th - Wonder Woman

    September 8th - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Sep 29, 2018


Oct 4, 2018


Oct 27, 2018


Nov 10, 2018


Dec 1, 2018


Feb 24, 2019


Mar 23, 2019


Jun 8, 2019


Jun 22, 2019
