2 upcoming events with the dolls tag
44 past events with this tagSep 14, 2024
Old Washington Street Festival
10:00am to 5:00pm @
East Washington Street
715 E Washington Street
A celebration of the Muncie Gas Boom Era! The Old Washington Street Festival is a showcase for regional artisans and artists that connects the history of Muncie to the modern era. Join us for arts and crafts vendors, food, and free entertainment!
Sep 15, 2024
This Sunday
Old Washington Street Festival
10:00am to 5:00pm @
East Washington Street
715 E Washington Street
A celebration of the Muncie Gas Boom Era! The Old Washington Street Festival is a showcase for regional artisans and artists that connects the history of Muncie to the modern era. Join us for arts and crafts vendors, food, and free entertainment!
Old Washington Street Festival
10:00am to 5:00pm @
East Washington Street
715 E Washington Street
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- art gallery
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- ball state university
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- destination: muncie
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- food and drink
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- music education
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- outdoor events
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- plants
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- urban gardening
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- victorian fashion
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