46 past events with the literature tag

0 upcoming events with this tag

Aug 25, 2019


  • Cuplets 6pm @ The Cup 1608 W. University Ave

    Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:

    Cuplets - Live Poetry at The Cup!

    On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets, Live Poetry at The Cup!

    This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading at The Cup will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza. There is only one rule for Cuplets: Buy something from The Cup, each and every one of you, no exceptions. They've got espresso, coffee, chai, tea, soda, juice, and yummy food too, from bagels to sandwiches and more. That's right, support your scene with a few bucks to the venue. Let's keep them busy!

    #BYOC2 = Build Your Own Communy + Buy Your Own Coffee! 


    Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets! 

    Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above! 














Sep 22, 2019


  • Cuplets 6pm @ The Cup 1608 W. University Ave

    Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:

    Cuplets - Live Poetry at The Cup!

    On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets, Live Poetry at The Cup!

    This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading at The Cup will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza. There is only one rule for Cuplets: Buy something from The Cup, each and every one of you, no exceptions. They've got espresso, coffee, chai, tea, soda, juice, and yummy food too, from bagels to sandwiches and more. That's right, support your scene with a few bucks to the venue. Let's keep them busy!

    #BYOC2 = Build Your Own Communy + Buy Your Own Coffee! 


    Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets! 

    Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above! 














Oct 27, 2019


  • Cuplets 6pm @ The Cup 1608 W. University Ave

    Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:

    Cuplets - Live Poetry at The Cup!

    On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets, Live Poetry at The Cup!

    This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading at The Cup will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza. There is only one rule for Cuplets: Buy something from The Cup, each and every one of you, no exceptions. They've got espresso, coffee, chai, tea, soda, juice, and yummy food too, from bagels to sandwiches and more. That's right, support your scene with a few bucks to the venue. Let's keep them busy!

    #BYOC2 = Build Your Own Communy + Buy Your Own Coffee! 


    Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets! 

    Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above! 














Nov 5, 2019


Nov 24, 2019


  • Cuplets 6pm @ The Cup 1608 W. University Ave

    Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:

    Cuplets - Live Poetry at The Cup!

    On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets, Live Poetry at The Cup!

    This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading at The Cup will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza. There is only one rule for Cuplets: Buy something from The Cup, each and every one of you, no exceptions. They've got espresso, coffee, chai, tea, soda, juice, and yummy food too, from bagels to sandwiches and more. That's right, support your scene with a few bucks to the venue. Let's keep them busy!

    #BYOC2 = Build Your Own Communy + Buy Your Own Coffee! 


    Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets! 

    Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above! 














Jan 26, 2020


Feb 23, 2020


Mar 13, 2020


Mar 22, 2020


Apr 2, 2020


Apr 14, 2020


  • 2020 Reflections on Ninteen Eighty-Four 10am to 11:15am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
    Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required
    Ages: 18+

    Presenter: Dr. Steve Ealy, senior fellow, Liberty Fund

    Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in the early days of the Soviet Union's consolidation of its empire behind the Iron Curtain, and was read by many as simply an attack on Stalin and his repressive state. Is there anything more to it than that? In 1986 the literary critic Harold Bloom denied that it was great literature but still concluded, "The book remains momentous; perhaps it always will be so." He continued, "There is nothing intrinsic to the book that will determine its future importance. Its very genre will be established by political, social, economic events. Is it satire or science fiction or dystopia or counter manifesto?" My remarks will reflect on how contemporary events and trends relate to Orwell's story, and discuss the light that Orwell's created world of Oceana throws on our own political and social reality.

    Relevant books on exhibit at the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center:

    · Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell, 1949, 1st American edition.

    · Democracy in America, Alexis De Tocqueville, 1841, 1st complete edition.


Apr 26, 2020


May 24, 2020


Jun 28, 2020


Jul 26, 2020


Aug 23, 2020


Sep 27, 2020


Oct 25, 2020


Nov 22, 2020


Feb 23, 2025
