Diane Watters
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Mar 19, 2020
Bracketing the Whig Tradition: When Burke and Paine Agreed on the American Cause 2pm to 3pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenter: Dr. Hans Eicholz, senior fellow, Liberty Fund
A discussion of the relationship between two important thinkers whose books shaped the American experience.
Relevant books on exhibit at the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center:Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris, Edmund Burke, 1790, 1st edition.
Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke’s Attack on the French Revolution, Thomas Paine, 1791, 1st edition.
Odes to Mr. Paine, Author of "Rights of Man,” John Wolcot (pen name Peter Pindar), 1791, 1st edition.Mar 31, 2020
The Muncie Food Hub Partnership: Helping Create a Sustainable Food System 10am to 11:15am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenter: Dr. Joshua Gruver, associate professor of environment, geology, and natural resources, Ball State University; and director, Muncie Food Hub Partnership
Diminishing food resources and unsustainable food production practices are looming global crises despite technology increasing production on arable land. Climate change and drought in California will severely limit the fruits, vegetables, and nuts available nationwide. Although Indiana is an agricultural state, nearly 90% of food consumed here is grown elsewhere. States and regions increasingly will need to diversify food production and supply mechanisms to replace this loss.
The Muncie Food Hub Partnership (MFHP) seeks to nourish and strengthen our community through the robust exchange of fresh and affordable local food. MFHP manifests that investment in East Central Indiana food production through business development, education, and civic engagement. You’ll learn about some of the things MFHP is doing to help create a sustainable regional food system.Apr 1, 2020
Beginning Genealogy 10am to 11:30am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Course meets four Wednesdays, April 1-22.
Instructor: Mrs. Karen Good, board member and chair of Ancestor Hunters, Delaware County Historical Society; and the Indiana County Genealogist for Delaware County
Tracing your roots is a way to document history and family information that you can pass along to future generations. With many resources available online, genealogy is becoming popular and easier to accomplish. Class is for those will little or no previous knowledge of genealogy.Topics covered each session:
April 1 —Genealogy 101
Will focus on general standards (i.e., how genealogist write dates among other things) and discuss how to get started with your family tree.
April 8 —Forms and Documents
Will discuss census records, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, land records, and etc., as well as the type of information that can be obtained from these forms.
April 15 —Organization
Will examine several different ways to organize all the information that you find.
April 22 —Software and Free Websites
Will take a look at three different software programs on the market as well as some of the free websites available to help youApr 2, 2020
Teachingbooks 6:30pm to 8pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenter: Ms. Lisa Jarrell, head of education, music and media, University Libraries, Ball State University
Lisa will provide an overview of TeachingBooks, an authoritative online database of resources about books for students in grades 7-12. Content includes information about fiction and non-fiction books, authors, and illustrators. The collection also includes short movies, audio book readings and book discussion guides to help teachers increase student engagement.Apr 7, 2020
Marx and Mill on History: The Individual and the Limits of Liberty 10am to 11:15am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenter: Dr. Peter Mentzel, senior fellow, Liberty Fund
Both Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill saw freedom as a means to realize individual potential and self-determination. However, both differed on the concept of freedom realization and the impediments to freedom. Nonetheless, there are several commonalities between the two philosophers, and this will be the topic of Dr. Menzel's presentation.Apr 14, 2020
2020 Reflections on Ninteen Eighty-Four 10am to 11:15am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+
Presenter: Dr. Steve Ealy, senior fellow, Liberty Fund
Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in the early days of the Soviet Union's consolidation of its empire behind the Iron Curtain, and was read by many as simply an attack on Stalin and his repressive state. Is there anything more to it than that? In 1986 the literary critic Harold Bloom denied that it was great literature but still concluded, "The book remains momentous; perhaps it always will be so." He continued, "There is nothing intrinsic to the book that will determine its future importance. Its very genre will be established by political, social, economic events. Is it satire or science fiction or dystopia or counter manifesto?" My remarks will reflect on how contemporary events and trends relate to Orwell's story, and discuss the light that Orwell's created world of Oceana throws on our own political and social reality.Relevant books on exhibit at the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center:
· Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell, 1949, 1st American edition.
· Democracy in America, Alexis De Tocqueville, 1841, 1st complete edition.
Apr 21, 2020
A History of the Railroads in Muncie and Delaware County 10am to 11:15am @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenter: Mr. Larry Campbell, railroad enthusiast
The gas boom in Delaware County led to rapid industrial growth, which in turn, attracted railroads. The first railroad line in Delaware County was completed through Muncie in 1852. By 1902, six intercity railroads, a local industrial railroad, and a belt-switching railroad served Muncie.
Larry developed an interest in railroads when he was a child. He rode a steam engine to school for the first year and a half before they switched to diesel and stopped using the old roundhouse at 17th and Gharkey.Apr 24, 2020
Beginning Needlepoint: Cardinal Project 9:30am to 12:30pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: $30 Ages: 18+ Cardinal Project.
Have fun stitching a stunning cardinal for yourself or a friend. This project, an 8 inch x 10 inch piece, can be finished into a pillow or a framed picture. It is a project for either a beginning stitcher or an experienced stitcher. The project can be completed using just one stitch and shading of colors, or it can be stitched using different stitches with the stitcher choosing how many different stitches to use in the project.
Apr 29, 2020
House History 101 6:30pm to 8pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ Presenters: Ms. Rebecca Torsell, archivist for Architectural Records at Ball State University’s Drawings and Documents Archive, and Ms. Sara McKinley, local history and genealogy supervisor, Muncie Public Library
House History 101 will teach you the steps for researching the history of your home. You’ll learn basic research methods for discovering the date of construction, ownership, occupancy, and more.
May 22, 2020
Stained Glass Window Project 9:30am to 12:30pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: No Charge - Reservations Required Ages: 18+ The beautiful stained glass windows in the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center inspired this class. The completed project will be a lovely stained glass window with a flower in it that can be finished into a pillow or a framed picture. A beginning needlepointer can do this project using a basic needlepoint stitch. The experienced stitcher will enjoy experimenting with different stitches to choose from for completing this project. A special fiber will be included in this class to use as the stained glass part of the project.
Stained Glass Window Project 9:30am to 12:30pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Cost: $30 Ages: 18+ The beautiful stained glass windows in the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center inspired this class. The completed project will be a lovely stained glass window with a flower in it that can be finished into a pillow or a framed picture. A beginning needlepointer can do this project using a basic needlepoint stitch. The experienced stitcher will enjoy experimenting with different stitches to choose from for completing this project. A special fiber will be included in this class to use as the stained glass part of the project.
Aug 27, 2020
America's Hometown Band Performance 7:30pm @ The E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center Front Lawn 400 Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie
Aug 6, 2024
Capturing Life: A Journey Through Memoir Writing II 2pm to 3:30pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University 3rd Floor 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $55 Ages: 18+ Three Tuesdays, August 6, 13, 20; 2-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $55
Please register online at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057
Limited to 12 studentsThis class is designed for those who have already begun writing their memoir and need help with staying on track or with energizing their ideas. It aims to keep your memoir writing progress steady and move you closer to the finish line, or maybe even complete it. If you haven't started yet but are looking for inspiration, this class is perfect for jumpstarting your project.
In this course, you will:
• Learn the importance of naming names and writing about living people.
• Discover how to write a synopsis and a cover letter for when you’re ready to seek an agent or publisher.
• Write from prompts that capture your life and help you get more of your memories on the page.
• Share your work, ideas, concerns, questions, and epiphanies with fellow writers.Over the series of three class sessions, you’ll enjoy the fun and surprises of writing about your life. This class is ideal for both beginning and intermediate memoir writers. Come and join us to keep your memoir writing on track and infused with new energy!
Instructor: Lylanne Musselman, award-winning poet, playwright, and visual artist
Sep 3, 2024
Introduction to Poetry 2pm to 3:30pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University 3rd Floor 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $55 Ages: 18+ Three Tuesdays, September 3, 10, 17; 2-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $55
Please register online at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057
Limited to 12 studentsThis course offers a comprehensive exploration of various poetry styles and forms. No prior experience in writing poetry is necessary, but participants should possess fundamental writing skills and a genuine interest in the craft of poetry. This class caters to writers eager to enhance their craft, whether for personal fulfillment or for the dream of getting something published.
In addition to creating poetry, participants will discover a diverse selection of poems and poets, both familiar and new. The course includes practical exercises using prompts, along with handouts covering various poetry forms such as free verse, prose poems, sonnets, pantoums, haiku, and ekphrastic poetry. Even if you're unsure poetry is for you, you're bound to find something captivating by the end of these three sessions.
Instructor: Lylanne Musselman, award-winning poet, playwright, and visual artist
Oct 2, 2024
Breast Cancer Myths and Truths 2pm to 3pm @ Westminster Village Legacy Commons Event Hall 5801 West Bethel Avenue, Muncie, IN 47304
Ages: 18+ No charge – Reservations not required – Open to the public
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. However, they also report there are more than 4 million breast cancer survivors. Awareness of the facts and statistics surrounding breast cancer in the United States is key in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health.
Danielle Thornburg, Breast Oncology Nurse Navigator, IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Cancer CenterOct 24, 2024
Improving Donor Communications 2pm to 3:30pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University 3rd Floor 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Ages: 18+ No Charge—Reservations Required
Please register online at: https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057
Are you part of an organization that relies on donors to succeed? This class will provide an update on the donor landscape and an overview of best practice donor communication methods. There will be opportunities to share your struggles, learn from others, and gain some tips and tricks.About the Instructor
Jennifer Parks-Strack is the Director of Development at Minnetrista Museum & Gardens. She has 10 years of fundraising experience at organizations of all sizes, including social service and cultural organizations.Mar 27, 2025
Captivating Portraits 1pm to 3pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $60 register at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057 Ages: 18+ Program is a two-day workshop, March 27-28, 1-3 p.m. Class is led by Ann Johnson, renowned local artist and former owner of F.B. Fogg. She will guide artists in crafting a truly unique world of creative expression. In her two-day watercolor workshop, participants will explore a blend of drawing, painting, stamp-making, printing, and collage to create imaginative and refined portraits. These artworks not only showcase artistic finesse but also reflect personal growth, leaving a lasting impression long after the workshop concludes. Open to all skill levels.
Apr 1, 2025
Beginning Genealogy 10am to 11:30am @ Yorktown/Mt. Pleasant Historical Alliance 9132 W Smith Street, Yorktown
Cost: Free, but reservations are required at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057 Ages: 18+ Class meets four Tuesdays, April 1-22, 2025; 10-11:30 a.m. at the Yorktown/Mt. Pleasant Twp. Historical Alliance, 9132 W Smith Street, in Yorktown. Cost is free, but reservations are required (REGISTER ONLINE).
Tracing your roots is a meaningful way to document your family’s history and pass it on to future generations. With the wealth of online resources available today, genealogy has become more accessible than ever.
This free, four-week class is designed for beginners with little or no experience in genealogy.
You’ll learn:
- How to start building your family tree
- Essential forms and documents for research
- Tips for organizing and managing your findings
- Free online tools and genealogy software
This class has long been held at the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, but we decided to move it to the Alliance’s newly established genealogy center this semester. That way you'll have access to city directories, maps, periodicals, records, databases, and computers to support your research. And don't worry—you don’t have to be from Yorktown to take advantage of these resources!
Meet Your Instructor: Karen Good, president of the Yorktown/Mt. Pleasant Historical Alliance and county genealogist, brings a wealth of knowledge in genealogy and local history to the table. She presents monthly history programs and leads "Ancestor Hunters," a genealogy group that meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting is Monday, March 31 and Karen will discuss "Women's History and Female Ancestor Resources."
May 13, 2025
From Manuscript to Market: Navigating the Path to Publication 2:30pm to 4:30pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center - Ball State University 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $30 Ages: 18+ You have your manuscript (or even a grouping of poems or a short story) ready to send out, but you’re not sure how to take the plunge into publication. Do you need an agent? How do you find one? Can you send it to more places than one? What if I get rejected…am I a failure? Where do you find places that will accept your manuscript? Do I pay big money to get published or do I get paid for my work? How do I get blurbs for my cover? Is self-publishing an option? We will cover these questions, your questions, and so much more in this two-hour workshop on how you can get published – by a big publishing house, smaller presses, or even online journals for a poem or a short story. You will walk away with a lot of ideas, inspiration, and places to get your manuscript or your shorter works published.
Jun 3, 2025
Writing Your Life: Collect a Series of Vignettes for Posterity 2:30pm to 4pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $55 Ages: 18+ Class meets three Tuesdays, June 3-17, 2025; 2:30-4 p.m.
Designed for those who have a desire to write down their memories to keep, for themselves, for family, or to publish. If you’ve started a memoir but need to get more chapters, this class is for you. If you’ve always wanted to write down pieces of your life, but had no idea where to start, this class is for you.
In this three-session class, you'll create a series of vignettes in either prose or poetry - the choice is yours. You will learn about Hermit Crab Essays, Braided Essays, and Lyric Essays. Guided by prompts designed to "capture your life," you'll bring your memories to the page while sharing your work, ideas, questions, and discoveries along the way. Open to beginning and intermediate writers.