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Apr 13, 2023
Design & Print Your Own Stickers 4pm to 7pm @ Madjax Maker Force Design Lab on the first floor (Main St entrance) 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $5 Ages: 13+, 6–12 w/ registered adult Learn the basics of using the Canva design platform, then create and print your own personalized stickers. Stickers can be used for hydro-flasks, laptop cases, phone cases, wall decor (they peel off easily), window clings, etc.
You may also bring original artwork, photos or create a hand drawn design to use on your stickers.
Instructors: Meghan Anacker and Olivia Ward
Date: Thursday, April 13 | 4–7 pm
Recommended ages: 13 through adult
Ages 6–12 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $5
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
Apr 20, 2023
Rain Barrel Workshop 6pm to 8pm @ Madjax Maker Force Shipyard on the first floor (warehouse area) 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $15 (Barrel and parts kit), FREE (No kit) Ages: 16+, 8–15 w/ registered adult Learn how rain barrels can help contribute to a more sustainable local ecosystem, and learn to build your own rain barrel. Make a barrel and take it home ready to use.
There are two registration options for this workshop. Please make sure you choose the correct registration button for your preferred option below:
Barrel and Education only: You will receive a list of supplies to purchase on your own, plus a reclaimed barrel free of charge.
Barrel, Education, and Kit with guided instruction: For only $15 you will receive all the parts, the reclaimed barrel, and the on-site instruction to complete your kit during the event.
Instructor: Jason Donati, Stormwater/Recycling Educator at the Muncie Sanitary District
Date: Thursday, April 20 | 6–8 pm
Recommended ages: 16 through adult
Ages 8–15 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $0 – Barrel ONLY, no parts kit | $15 – Barrel AND Parts Kit
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
Apr 29, 2023
Design Thinking For Middle School Students 10am to 12pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $5 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: Grades 6-8 Join Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning for a Design Thinking workshop that is specifically designed for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. This hands-on experience will help students tackle complex challenges through systematic, creative problem-solving. Come and learn more about how to think like a designer!
This workshop is offered in Partnership with the Ball State University R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning.
Instructor: Derek Bohm
Date: Saturday, April 29 | 10 am–12 pm
Recommended for students in Grades 6–8
Cost: $5
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
Indiana Black Barbershop Health Initiative Health and Beauty Show 11am to 3pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Join us on April 29 for the 2023 Indiana Black Barbershop Initiative Health and Beauty Show!
Celebrate Black hair, and learn about managing your health risks through free blood pressure and blood glucose screenings provided by Open Door Health Services.
This event is being held in partnership with Open Door Health Services, Muncie Juneteenth Celebration, the Indiana Black Barbershop Health Initiative, and SteVen Knipp Hair Studio.
Vendor Callout! Health and beauty professionals are welcome to set up a table at no charge. For more information, contact SteVen Knipp at or 765-372-8090 by Thursday, April 27.
Cyanotypes Of Muncie: Exploring Nature Art Through Historic Sun Prints 1pm to 4pm @ Madjax Maker Force 514 East Jackson Street
Cost: $15 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 13+; 8+ w/registered adult Using one of the oldest photographic methods, create your own work of art in cyanotype’s blue signature color. Using the sun, participants will create cyanotype photograms (or sun prints). Compose your own prints using local plants, foliage, found objects, and pre-made photographic negatives as inspiration.
Participants are asked to leave one print on loan to be featured in a two-week exhibition that will be on display at Madjax.
This workshop is offered in Partnership with the Ball State University R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning. Instructors have been chosen as a Ball State Madjax Fellowship.
Instructors: Jon Rees & Catherine Yong Hellsten, Ball State University
Date: Saturday, April 29 | 1–4 pm
Recommended ages: 13 through adult
Ages 8–12 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $15
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
Apr 30, 2023
Ethical Taxidermy "Taking Flight" 3pm to 4:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force 514 East Jackson Street
Cost: $10 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 12+; 6+ w/registered adult Create paper mache sculptures of local birds from upcycled materials easily found around the home and local shops. Learn to appreciate the craft of sculpture and maybe notice the birds in your environment with greater appreciation.
Instructor: Aimee Maychack
Dates: Sunday, April 30 AND Sunday, May 7 | 3–4:30 pm
THIS IS A TWO PART WORKSHOP (Please plan to attend both sessions.)
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 6–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $10
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
May 3, 2023
Making Your (Book) Mark 6pm to 8pm @ Madjax Maker Force 514 East Jackson Street
Cost: $5 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 12+; 8+ w/ registered adult Learn to use the Glowforge laser cutter in the Design Lab to etch a design into your own personalized, original bookmark—as well as copies to give as gifts and “plant” in local libraries as treats for others to find and treasure! Handwrite a phrase or create a drawing for the Glowforge to trace and etch.
Instructor: Molly Schaller
Dates: Wednesday, May 3 | 6–8 pm
Project pickup is Wednesday, May 10, at 6 pm, with an option to stay and embellish your bookmark. The instructor will provide more information about planting your bookmarks in library books at the workshop.
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 8–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $5
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
May 6, 2023
Lights, Music, Plants . . . Action! 10am to 12pm @ Madjax Maker Force 514 East Jackson Street
Cost: $5 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 12+; 8+ w/registered adult April showers bring May… plants! Come explore what plants need to grow. We will experiment with growing conditions including soil, music, lights, and water. Participants will be able to take home their own potted plants to continue their scientific exploration.
Instructor: Jenifer Pierce
Dates: Saturday, May 6 | 10 am–12 pm
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 8–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $5
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
May 7, 2023
Ethical Taxidermy "Taking Flight" 3pm to 4:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force 514 East Jackson Street
Cost: $10 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 12+; 6+ w/registered adult Create paper mache sculptures of local birds from upcycled materials easily found around the home and local shops. Learn to appreciate the craft of sculpture and maybe notice the birds in your environment with greater appreciation.
Instructor: Aimee Maychack
Dates: Sunday, April 30 AND Sunday, May 7 | 3–4:30 pm
THIS IS A TWO PART WORKSHOP (Please plan to attend both sessions.)
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 6–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $10
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
May 20, 2023
Create Your Own One-Stringed Musical Instrument 10am to 1pm @ Madjax Maker Force Design Lab - 1st Floor 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $15 due at registration; Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at Ages: 16+; 12+ w/registered adult This introduction to building stringed instruments guides participants in the creation of their own one-stringed “diddley bow” instrument using a wooden neck and an Altoids tin resonator. The diddley bow style can be traced back to West African origins brought to America by African slaves, later inspiring the origins of the Blues movement.
We will also explore the basics of playing with a slide, and design variations for building more advanced instruments. You will leave inspired and equipped with skills to continue your making journey with further instruments on your own, exploring different designs and aesthetic choices.
Instructor: Michael Pounds
Dates: Saturday, May 20 | 10 am–1 pm
Recommended ages: 16 through adult
Ages 10–15 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $15
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
Jun 1, 2023
Design Lab at Madjax Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House Celebration 4pm to 9pm @ Madjax Maker Force Design Lab on the first floor (Main St entrance) 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Join us on Thursday, June 1st, to celebrate the reopening of the Design Lab at Madjax in its new downstairs location! Drop in anytime from 4–9 pm to tour the lab and view equipment demonstrations. A ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce will be held at 4:15 pm.
The Design Lab is a membership-based space providing community members with access to professional-grade digital fabrication equipment and software at an affordable price. Equipment includes 3D printers, a sublimation ink printer and heat press, a WAZER water jet cutter, a Glowforge laser engraver, a vinyl cutter, and a poster printer. Training and project assistance are provided by our lab techs at a nominal cost.
From now until the end of June, get an individual membership for just $25/month (one-year commitment required). Family and organizational memberships are also available. Visit the open house and discover what you can make at Madjax!
Jun 10, 2023
Sublimate And Stitch
1pm to 3:30pm @
Madjax Maker Force
Classroom/Design Lab inside MadJax
515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $10 Ages: 12+; 8-11 w/ registered adult Participants will create uniquely embellished photographs printed onto fabric. Use a photo of family, friends, nature, or your favorite subject, and learn how to sublimate print onto fabric. Then learn basic embroidery stitches and techniques to embellish and creatively adorn your favorite photograph.
Instructor: Mary Arnett-Delaney
Dates: Saturday, June 10 | 1–3:30 pm
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 8–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $10
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jun 12, 2023
Ethical Taxidermy: Paper Mache Bear Head 6pm to 7:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $10 due at registration Ages: 12+; 6-11 w/ registered adult Create a paper mache sculpture of a bear’s head to hang on your wall. Using upcycled material easily found around the home, participants will learn skills in the craft of sculpture and paper mache.
Instructor: Aimee Maychack
Dates: Mondays, June 12 & 19 | 6–7:30 pm (must attend both sessions)
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 6–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $10
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jun 15, 2023
Conservation Crafting: Honeysuckle Earrings 5pm to 6:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $5 due at registration Ages: 13+ Learn all about invasive species Asian Bush honeysuckle. This woody plant has hollow stems, making it great for bead making! Make your own earrings, using a mix of honeysuckle beads and glass and plastic beads.
Instructors: Liz Yetter and Clair Burt
Dates: Thursday, June 15 | 5–6:30 pm
Recommended ages: 13 through adult
Cost: $5
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jun 19, 2023
The Tube Life: Your Summer Of Content Creation 1pm to 4pm @ Madjax Maker Force Design Lab/Classroom 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 due at registration Ages: 5th-8th grade Join us for a four-day summer camp designed for middle school students who dream of becoming the next big YouTube sensation! Learn video editing, content creation, and internet safety from experienced instructors, all while having fun with fellow aspiring content creators. Build your channel and gain the skills to launch your YouTube career.
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Vlog Ventures: A Family Summer Camp For Aspiring Youtubers 5:30pm to 7:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force Design Lab/Classroom 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 due at registration Ages: 3rd–6th graders WITH AN ADULT Our four-day camp is designed for elementary aged students and their families to learn the ins and outs of creating YouTube content together. Led by professional teachers, you’ll learn about video production, internet awareness, and career exploration in media fields.
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jun 24, 2023
Leather Beaded Bracelet 1pm to 2:30pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $10 due at registration Ages: 12+; 8+ w/ registered adult Create your own gemstone and metal bracelet with supple leather and a button clasp. Browse our bead bar to personalize your bracelet for a unique, custom jewelry piece.
Instructor: Molly Schaller
Dates: Saturday, June 24 | 1–2:30 pm
Recommended ages: 12 through adult
Ages 8–11 may accompany a registered adult
Cost: $10
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jun 27, 2023
Time Travelers Architecture 9am to 4pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 due at registration Ages: Ages 9-12 Explore the fascinating world of history and architecture with the Time Travelers program! Designed for children aged 9–12, this two-part workshop will take you on a journey through the past, as you learn about the importance of place and community.
Through hands-on activities, walking tours, scavenger hunts, and experiential learning, you will gain a new perspective on the built environment and how it shapes the communities we live in. You will also have the opportunity to make things, understand the process of designing and building, and engage with your community in a new way.
The Time Travelers program is facilitated at Madjax and is focused on the culture of making, giving you the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences. Whether you're interested in history, architecture, or just want to learn something new, this program is perfect for you!
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to explore your community and discover the history and architecture that make it special. Register for the Time Travelers program today!
Dates: Tuesday, June 27 & Wednesday, June 28
Lunch will be provided
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Jul 10, 2023
Health Detectives: An Investigation Of Food, Health, And Technology 1pm to 4pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 due at registration Ages: 5th-9th Grade A “whodunit” of food, exercise and technology. Can you discover the health culprit? Come see if you can solve the mystery. Students will participate in daily scientific experiments and challenges to explore ways to keep their bodies and minds healthy and active.
Dates: Monday–Thursday, July 10–13 | 1–4 pm
Recommended ages: 5th–9th grade
Cost: $20
Jul 17, 2023
Bots & Beyond: Robotics Challenge Camp 12pm to 4pm @ Madjax Maker Force 515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 due at registration Ages: 4th-8th Grade Can you build with the technology of the future? During this very hands-on camp, students will explore an introduction to robotics, engineering, and coding. Students will work together to design, build and program their bot, compete in challenges, and explore the way robotics technology is being used in local workplaces.
Scholarships are available to any individuals or families with a demonstrated need. Email Kyra Zylstra, Director of Initiatives and Partnerships, at
We have gift certificates available! Give the gift of a fun learning experience at Madjax to a friend or loved one. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Sublimate And Stitch
1pm to 3:30pm @
Madjax Maker Force
Classroom/Design Lab inside MadJax
515 E Main St, Muncie, IN 47305