30 past events with the woodwind tag
1 upcoming event with this tagDec 4, 2009
Wind Ensemble and Symphony
8pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
The Ball State Wind Ensemble and Symphony band will be giving a free performance for the public. Direct any questions to Dr. Tom Caneva at 765-285-5435.
Jul 8, 2011
Village Variation w/ Tonal Caravan & Elephants in Mud
8pm to 3am @
Be Here Now
Ages: 18+ Tonal Caravan/Elephants in Mud www.tonalcaravan.com
Jan 12, 2013
Young Artist Competition
2pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
The Muncie Symphony Orchestra holds a yearly competition for young musicians in the region. Two divisions – the Junior and the Senior- provide the opportunity to select two winners: a younger player and a more seasoned player. Both division winners will have a performance opportunity and receive cash prizes. Please read more information on the 2012-2013 season Young Artist Competition in the application form below.
Application Deadline: December 1, 2013
MSO Young Artist Competition App 2013
Audience is admitted free of charge on the day of competition. Seating available on balcony only. Concert etiquette is required
More informtion here.
Feb 27, 2013
Ball State Concert Band
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Cost: General Admission: $5.00 Thomas Caneva, Ball State’s director of bands, and Shawn Vondran, assistant director of bands, lead the Ball State Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band in performances February 16, March 15 and April 26. The Ball State Concert Band, conducted by doctoral and graduate students, performs on February 27 and April 22.
Sep 21, 2013
Music Comes Alive at MCM 12pm to 2pm @ Muncie Children's Museum 515 S. High St.
Join Muncie Symphony Orchestra and Masterworks Chorale for a Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah day filled with music and song! From 12 to 2 p.m. take your turn trying out different instruments in MSO’s instrument petting zoo,if you can play an instrument you are invited to show off your talent at the song of choice station, visit the brass ensemble to learn the language of music notes, check out the pitch pit and challenge your voice to a matching contest with Masterworks Chorale and step on stage to see how costumes tell a story. At 2 p.m. the MSO ensemble and Masterworks Chorale will put on a Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah performance with help from the audience.
Program is made possible through a collaborative grant from Indiana Arts Commission
Mar 24, 2017
Symphony Band and Chamber Winds
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
corner of Riverside and McKinley Avenues
Cost: $5 Ball State's top two band ensembles present a series of concerts each year featuring a wide range of band repertoire. Thomas Caneva and Caroline Hand conduct the ensembles.
Apr 23, 2017
Free - Unique Concert Sounds Performed by Flute & Clarinet Choirs from America's Hometown Band 2:30pm to 12:42pm @ Grace Baptist Church Fine Arts Hall (HS building) South side of River Rd, and free parking 6401 W River Rd, Muncie
Two different and very fine instrumental groups from America's Hometown Band – the Central Indiana Flute Choir and the Clarinet Connection -- are ready and set to entertain lucky listeners. Treat yourself to the unique and hauntingly beautiful sounds heard from these two woodwind groups. Hear selections from Bach to Joplin, then meet the musicians and their uncommon variety of flutes & clarinets, at the Artists Reception immediately following the concert at the Hall.
Apr 22, 2018
C-NAFME Ball State Student Recital 2pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts Auditorium 520 E Main, Muncie, IN 47305
Ball State University's chapter of the National Association for Music Education is partnering with Cornerstone Center for the Arts to host a FREE recital to showcase music education students. One of the primary motivations of planning this recital is to not only display the work and talent of Ball State Music Education students, but to provide the Muncie Community with live music. This recital will consist of a variety of music and ensembles including: Clarinet duet, trumpet ensemble, woodwind quintet, a vocalist, and more. Come on out and we hope to see you!
Oct 4, 2018
Muncie Symphony Orchestra: ArtsWalk Concert 6pm @ Downtown Muncie
Oct 27, 2018
Muncie Symphony Orchestra: Symphonic Halloween
7:30pm @
Emens Auditorium
1800 W Riverside Avenue, Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: Youth (K-12) $5; Ball State students FREE in advance with ID/$10 at door; Adults, $25 - $35 Symphonic Halloween will stir feelings of anticipation as classical favorites, Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique and Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain, fill Emens Auditorium with spooky sounds. Don’t miss the 2018 Young Artist Competition winners, pianist Sage Hamm and violinist Abigail Ko, as they perform with the orchestra.
Muncie Symphony Orchestra: Symphonic Halloween
7:30pm @
Emens Auditorium
1800 W Riverside Avenue, Muncie, IN 47306
Symphony Band and Chamber Winds
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
corner of Riverside and McKinley Avenues
Ball State Concert Band
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Young Artist Competition
2pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Village Variation w/ Tonal Caravan & Elephants in Mud
8pm to 3am @
Be Here Now