44 past events with the urban planning tag

0 upcoming events with this tag

Aug 18, 2018


Aug 25, 2018


Sep 12, 2018


Mar 30, 2019


Apr 13, 2019


May 2, 2019


  • Book Arts Collaborative at Madjax Kevin Campbell, Puzzle Project, at the Brinkman Gallery Waterscapes at the Brinkman Gallery Kevin Campbell, DOG Portraits, at the Brinkman Gallery Kimberley True, Dame Leo at Madjax, 2nd floor Many thanks to Muncie's Downtown Development for their support of the Brink of Summer Artswalk Grace Hollars, GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor Margie Prim, Conservation Tales at Made in Muncie Muncie Makers Market ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab Jonny Swales and Alana Rasche, ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton, Blues Jam at Valhalla YART at Canan Commons The Brink of Summer Artswalk (full listing) for May's First Thursday 5pm to 9pm @ Downtown Muncie, Ball State University campus
    Book Arts Collaborative at Madjax Book Arts Collaborative at Madjax Kevin Campbell, Puzzle Project, at the Brinkman Gallery Kevin Campbell, Puzzle Project, at the Brinkman Gallery Waterscapes at the Brinkman Gallery Waterscapes at the Brinkman Gallery Kevin Campbell, DOG Portraits, at the Brinkman Gallery Kevin Campbell, DOG Portraits, at the Brinkman Gallery "Flock," College of Architecture and Planning Design Build Project, NW Corner of Canan Commons Kimberley True, Kimberley True, "Movement in Nature," Cornerstone Center for the Arts Dame Leo at Madjax, 2nd floor Dame Leo at Madjax, 2nd floor Many thanks to Muncie's Downtown Development for their support of the Brink of Summer Artswalk Many thanks to Muncie's Downtown Development for their support of the Brink of Summer Artswalk Grace Hollars, Grace Hollars, "Bursting: Stories Inspired by Women," at the Fickle Peach GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor GindhART at Madjax, 2nd floor Margie Prim, Margie Prim, "Onions and Daisies," at Gordy Fine Art and Framing, Co. Conservation Tales at Made in Muncie Conservation Tales at Made in Muncie "Virtual Reality Projects" from IDIA Lab at Madjax Muncie Makers Market Muncie Makers Market ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab Jonny Swales and Alana Rasche, ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab Jonny Swales and Alana Rasche, ANTENNA Intermedia Show at Muncie Makes Lab Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Nomad Yarns at Charles and Walnut Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton, Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton, "Transplanted" at Plyspace Blues Jam at Valhalla Blues Jam at Valhalla YART at Canan Commons YART at Canan Commons

    The Atrium Gallery
    Arts and Journalism Building, 1st floor, Ball State University campus
    The School of Art Atrium Gallery finishes its fourth week of BFA Exhibitions for Spring 2019 showcasing the work of five of its graduating seniors, Sarah Anderson, Kitty Taylor, Sarah Gardner, Megan Lange, and Marret Metzger. There will be extended hours from 5-8pm for First Thursday.

    Book Arts Collaborative (at Madjax)
    514 E. Main

    Come by Book Arts Collaborative to wish our graduating seniors good luck as they embark on post-baccalaureate life. Bring your real-world cautionary tales, loan repayment strategies, and warming wishes. They have devised a cool, family friendly print project that you can take away for free too—it’s their graduation gift to you. 

    The Brinkman Gallery
    409 S. Walnut
    Brinkman Gallery presents “Waterscapes,” featuring meticulously painted water landscapes. At a distance they appear photorealistic, but as you approach the pattern of the waves begins to break down into abstract forms and shapes. Also on display are original DOG portraits, new puzzle pieces, and a section of “Sweet Thursday” by artist Kevin Campbell. Puzzles range from a single piece to a 730 piece puzzle. Additionally, some of Gay Nation’s personal Garfield collection will be on display. Come out to meet Kevin and enjoy refreshments from 5-8pm.

    Canan Commons
    500 S. Walnut St.
    College of Architecture & Planning Centennial Design Build Project- Flock:
    Flock is a temporary installation in downtown that reads as an object but is made up of discrete parts just as Muncie is a collective of cultural backgrounds that come together to form a community. The project is supported by the Ball State University College of Architecture and Planning and in collaboration with DWNTWN_Muncie Downtown Development Partnership. Flock is a design build project headed by Assistant Professor of Architecture James F. Kerestes and his students, Lauren Hunter and Katie Gordon. The project is part of the College or Architecture and Planning’s centennial celebration and aims to highlight the long standing history and achievements of the school. The installation will be on the Northwest Corner of Canan Commons on property owned by DeFur Voran.

    Muncie’s Downtown Development:
    Help us hearken warmer weather with Muncie Ballet Studio and BSU Student Dance Association as they join us to teach our young guests a Maypole dance! Look for the Maypoles at Canan Commons. Magic City Music Men will be serenading from the stage. Muncie Public Library will also be on hand at Canan Commons to help the littles create a Mothers Day craft bouquet. There will also be a flash mob/silly parade event!

    Cornerstone Center for the Arts
    520 E. Main
    Movement in Nature An Art Exhibition by Kimberley True:
    Join Cornerstone Center for Arts on Thursday, May 2 for the opening reception of Movement in Nature, an art exhibition by Kimberley True. The reception will take place in the Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery on the second floor of Cornerstone from 5 to 7 p.m. in conjunction with May’s First Thursday events.

    The world around us is ever-evolving, always in motion and yet quiet and still. It is enveloping and frightening and awe-inspiring. As above in the clouds and stars, so below in the deepest oceans, this is where Kimberley True finds her greatest source of inspiration.

    True’s art is deeply rooted in her fascination with movement in nature. She has created paintings that flow and breathe across the canvas. Her color schemes are influenced from far-off galaxies, sunsets over Midwestern fields, and the crashing waves along our ocean's shores.

    Kimberley True is a Muncie-native and only daughter to local artists Randy and Debbie True. Her first loves were reading and writing however art was a close third. The messier the medium, the better. After charcoal, pastels, and watercolor, Kim settled on acrylics as her preferred modus operandi. 

    Movement in Nature will be on display and open to the public in the Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery throughout the month of May. For more information about the exhibition call Cornerstone’s Department of Education & Communication at 765-281- 9503, ext. 23 or visit cornerstonearts.org.

    Dame Leo (at Madjax)
    514 E. Jackson St. (2nd floor)
    Dame Leo presents: “Resist & Revolt” garden art & altar candles, “No Más Babies in Cages” jewelry & magnets, and "I don't play well with Racists-Fascists or Nazis" mix-medium paintings. Mother's Day is Sunday May 12th so buy her/him an original and OOAK piece of art made by a local mama!!! MadJax 2nd floor 5-9pm.

    Delaware County Historical Society
    120 E. Washington
    The DCHS will have the Moore-Youse Home Museum open at 120 East Washington St. We will have a "Meet the Authors" event with several local authors who have written books on local Delaware County Historical topics. We will have their books and more available for sale. Visitors can also sign up to win a Delaware County Historical afghan/throw with a $40 value and do not have to be present to win. The exhibit galleries will be open featuring "Toys from our past to present," Delaware County Sports including Muncie's Pro Football Team the Congerville Flyers, and a new exhibit featuring "Treasures from the Museum’s Collection."

    The Fickle Peach (21+)
    117 E. Charles

    Ball State University senior photojournalism major and women's and gender studies minor Grace Hollars, who has explored the world photographing two Olympics and was named 2017 Indiana College Photographer of the Year, takes on a new adventure in her hometown of Muncie documenting inspiring women who are changing and building up the community. "Bursting: Stories Inspired by Women,” is a rich collection of women we know as our neighbors, coworkers, sisters, wives, and friends whose stories are captured through twelve large 20x30 images. 

    FILM IS NOT DEAD: A 35mm Film Photography Collective Art Show
    301 S Walnut St, Suite 101

    FILM IS NOT DEAD is a celebration of the artistic and nostalgic value of 35mm film photography in our digital-first world. Featured analog photographers Zach Poor, Tanesha Tanaé Burrell, Bobby Bennett, Kenton Little, and Joshua Westbrook are showcasing a variety of photographs, all captured the "old-fashioned" way.

    Zach Poor is a graphic designer by trade who enjoys exploring the intersection of digital and analog creative expression in his personal work. Shooting film on his mom’s old Pentax K1000 gives him the opportunity to slow down and create images with appropriate meaning and magnitude and to practice traditional creative processes in a modern era. 

    Tanesha Tanaé Burrell is a lively creative with an appetite for design. She enjoys working in a variety of different mediums including digital media, printmaking, drawing, and film photography. Inspired by different aspects of her faith, she desires to express what words fail to at times.

    Born and raised in Illinois (the “s” is silent). Bobby Bennett has gone a few places of note: Ball State, Iceland, the bathroom, but never to the emergency room for any broken bones. He currently works at Union Chapel Ministries as the Creative Arts Director (the Uncreative Arts Director position was already taken. His job requires more creativity, sometimes in the form of puns and dumb humor and parentheticals!) He also enjoys shooting on film and capturing moments and sharing things that may be hiding in plain sight and run on sentences.

    Kenton Little started shooting film for a class in college where he fell in love with not only the look you get from film, but the process of developing and printing as well. He shoots film to get away from screens for a bit and just enjoy the physical world around him. He loves the feeling of excitement film gives when you have to wait to see the results of the photos you take. 

    Joshua Westbrook grew up overseas in Central Asia, but is now proud to live and work in the city of Muncie that he has adopted as his home. An idealist at heart, he hopes that his work uncovers points of true human connection through the lens of place and culture. 

    “Flower Hour”
    Various locations around Walnut St.
    "Flower Hour", a fundraiser for the Erskine Green Training Center will be blooming on Walnut St.! Your $20 ticket will score you a beautiful bouquet after visiting each flower distribution location. You will receive your vase and treated to a reception at the Courtyard Marriott after your adventure. Tickets are limited to the first 300 and are available at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel and the Horizon Convention Center or online @ eventbrite.com

    Gindhart (at Madjax)
    514 E. Jackson St. (2nd floor)
    BE A POEM BE ON PURPOSE: Local artist and poetry enthusiast is still celebrating poetry for the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk. Words on art. Original poetry chapbooks available. Green Glam Studio recycled jewelry still for Bailey. 20% of jewelry proceeds will support the Bailey for Mayor campaign. This event is open to the public and refreshments will be available. Meet the artist, 2nd floor of Madjax, 5-9pm.

    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
    224 E. Main

    Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company will celebrate the brink of summer with the fresh and beautiful work of Margie Prim during May’s First Thursday on May 2, from 5:00 to 8:00.  Margie will give a short talk at 6:15. Light refreshments will be served, and the public is invited to attend.

    Margie’s heavy strokes swipe the canvas with dabs of bold color to create beautiful still lifes and peaceful landscapes. This quiet artist brings out her passion for life through canvases which captures scenes from East Central Indiana.  This Muncie artist’s inspirations may be found as easily down an alley, by the White River, or out in a farmer’s field.  “I just get in my car and I drive,” Margie explains.

    Margie Prim began her art career in the 1960s in Oklahoma by taking painting lessons. She arrived in Muncie in the 1970s.  She laid her brushes down until the early 1990s when she started taking various art classes offered by community organizations such as the YMCA. She took lessons from Walt Lewis at the Stan Nossett School of Fine Art in Muncie. Margie, the perpetual student, continues learning through her involvement with the New Richmond Group and Indiana Plein Air Painters.

    Margie considers herself both a studio and plein air artist and is adept in both methods.  She enjoys, especially in colder months, to work from sketches or photographs in the comfort of her studio.  As a plein air painter she works outside, on location, to create her paintings.

    Margie has shown in the Minnetrista Annual, the Richmond Art Museum Annual, and Red-Tail Land Conservancy Open Spaces Exhibit. She has won  several awards and held several one woman exhibits in the region.  In early 2019, Margie won honorable mention in the Madison County Art Show. Her works have been included in the Indiana Waterways Project and the Women’s Commission Art Exhibit.

    The exhibition will remain on view with works for sale throughout the month of May.  Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company promotes talented artists, provides appraisals, and offers expert design and craftsmanship for framing and displaying treasured family possessions and works of art. Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5:30 pm, Saturday, 9 am – 3 pm. Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company is located at 224 East Main Street, next door to Muncie Civic Theatre.  For more information, visit www.gordyframing.com or call 765-284-8422.

    Grace Episcopal Church
    300 S. Madison

    At 7pm, the local band Steve Robert and the Jazzmanian Devils will perform at Grace Episcopal Church (corner of Madison Ave. & Adams St.). This folk rock band will be performing covers and originals written by several band members. There will be vintage LPs, from the 50s to the 90s for sale. We are just a 5 minute walk east from Walnut St. and there is plenty of parking.

    Made in Muncie
    313 S. Walnut
    Conservation Tales: Come see a sneak peak of artwork from the Africa series about Elephants and Giraffes. Meet author Tom McConnell, art director, Barbara Giorgio-Booher, and our team of illustrators, designers, photographer, and educators. The event includes an art exhibition, children activities, and books will be available to purchase, including the Manatee Match Card Game.

    Madjax Muncie
    515 E. Main St.
    CAP’s IDIA Lab and Landscape Architecture at Artswalk Madjax!
    Ball State University’s IDIA Lab will showcase recent virtual reality projects at Madjax (514 E Jackson St Muncie, Indiana) during Muncie’s Artswalk. Stop by to explore selections from our immersive multiuser environments that use the HTC Vive VR headsets, animations and custom Human Computer Interaction projects. IDIA Lab staff, students and faculty will be on hand for questions about how these emerging technologies are being used in the arts, sciences and humanities. IDIA Lab is an interdisciplinary virtual reality and simulation lab at Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning. 

    Additionally students from the College of Architecture and Planning’s Dynamic and the Digital course will be exhibiting their creative works that involve time-based, virtual and augmented reality experimentations. Landscape Architecture First Year Graduate Studio will also be exhibiting design instigations for Farmished’s urban agricultural training farm.

    Muncie Makers Market
    Corner of Walnut and Adams
    The Muncie Makers Market is happy to be a part of Muncie’s First Thursday community events, thanks to an invitation to take over the sidewalks in front of the Muncie Map Co., at 111 East Adams Street, in Downtown Muncie. We set up on the SE corner of Adams and Walnut Streets from 5-8pm on the first Thursday of every month. Plenty of nearby free parking! I’m really excited for us to have this opportunity and I am really hoping we get a nice evening of weather for the 2nd. Susan Danner will be hosting our kiosk of consignment items inside the Muncie Map Co. during First Thursday as well, and I also invite everyone to join her there to see what we’ve got going on inside of this super-cool locally-owned shop.

    Two First Thursday’s of each year are designated as ArtsWalk, in May and October, so some of our Makers will also be down at Canan Commons at the Spring 2019 Muncie YART. First Thursday is a popular local tradition, going years back, with all sorts of vendors, artists, and entertainers set up throughout all of Downtown Muncie inside and outside of various shops, restaurants, bars, and other businesses. It’s fun!

    Muncie Makes Lab
    628 S. Walnut
    ANTENNA: Experimental moving image and video installation. Students in BSU's School of Art Intermedia classes with Prof. Maura Jasper present works of sound, light, interactivity and moving image. Works by Jacob Bobeck, Noah Davis Cheshire, Kai Cohen, Erica Hille, Jenna Mesker, Alana Rasche, Jonny Swales, alongside a selection of works from students enrolled in Introduction to Computer Art. 5-9pm.

    Nomad Yarns
    Charles and Walnut
    Nomad Yarns will be at Charles and Walnut during the Brink of Summer Artswalk, alongside YART. Come and visit the yarn store on wheels! Nomad Yarns is packed full of unique hand dyed yarns, original patterns, kits and tools plus other great natural fiber yarns and spinning fibers from designer names. Drop on by to shop, see the truck murals, or ask us about how to get started in fiber crafting

    Photo Voice Project
    Alcove of the Old Chase Bank
    PhotoVoice Project on Opioid Use Disorder: An interdisciplinary group of Ball State students from Health Science and Anthropology are presenting a display of photos, which aim to ignite conversation about the escalating crisis of opioid abuse in our community. There will be a series of photos linked with brief quotes from service providers on what has caused the crisis, how it is affecting our community, and how we can move forward. Informational pamphlets on opioid use disorder will also be available. We will be setting up in the alcove of the old Chase Bank.

    608 E. Main
    Muncie Arts and Culture Council is pleased to celebrate Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2, 2019 with an opening reception for Transplanted, a stop-motion animation video game by artists Emily Thornton and Ben Fulcher. The artists will speak about their work at 7:00 PM and will be available to answer questions and share insights about the project and their process with guests. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend.  The interactive exhibition of their work will be on view from April 30 to May 3, 2019 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the PlySpace Gallery at 608 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.

    Developed collaboratively by Fulcher and Thornton, Transplanted is a stop-motion video game that explores the benefits of taking care of another living thing and how that connection can change your life. The narrative of the game is centered around a woman named Elaine who has just graduated college and no longer has a goal or focus for her life. The objective of the game is to take care of a plant that is delivered to her house, an act which serves as a catalyst for change in the character’s life. By taking care of the plant, Elaine begins a transformation from lethargic depression to sentimental optimism through taking care of herself. The game plays as a quick, meditative passage through a character’s personal landscape. As each player slowly begins unpacking Elaine’s personal belongings, they are invited into the sentimental values of often innocuous items. The game is a meditation on personal motivation, and overcoming seemingly monumental tasks, one step at a time.

    In March, Transplanted was selected as a finalist for the Big Indie Pitch competition at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, where Fulcher and Thornton shared their project and received industry feedback alongside other indie developers. Both artists will receive their Master of Fine Arts in Animation from Ball State University’s School of Art this spring. This exhibition of their MFA thesis work offers visitors a unique opportunity to interact with Transplanted and the creative process behind it through individual gaming stations, documents of the digital rendering process, and the display of physical elements from the game’s stop-motion design.

    Ben Fulcher received his Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus in Drawing from Clemson University. He is currently an Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art. He spent time teaching English in China and Taiwan. Fulcher was awarded the Aspire Grant from Ball State University in 2018 and 2019. His work has been included in the Independent Talents International Film Festival in Bloomington, IN; the Life Screenings International Film Festival in Clermont, FL; and the Weird Wednesday 0711—Monthly in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Emily Thornton received her Bachelor of Science from Huntington University, and is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art.. Her work has been accepted into RAW Natural Born Artist and published in The Broken Plate, and Huntington Chapter Ictus. Thornton is also a recipient of a silver award from the American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne.

    The PlySpace Gallery is an exhibition and project space programmed by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council to support the activities of the PlySpace Residency as well as the objectives of emerging, experimental, and underrepresented artists and art forms. The PlySpace Gallery will be open for additional viewing hours on:

    Tuesday, April 30th // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 1st // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Thursday, May 2nd // 12:00 - 8:00 PM
    Friday, May 3rd // 12:00 - 5:00 PM

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council and Ball State University School of Art welcome the public to the PlySpace Gallery for this one-of-a-kind exhibition of stop-motion animation and game development during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk event for First Thursday in downtown Muncie. The PlySpace Gallery is located at 608 East Main Street, and parking is immediately adjacent to the building. Please enter through the gallery door facing the parking lot. For more information, please email info@munciearts.org.

    Thr3e Wisemen Brewing Co.
    625 S. High St.
    Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Co. will be passing out promotional items at Artswalk. They will also have some Artswalk specials featuring 10" Cheese Pizzas for $5 and 1/2 off bottles of wine!

    Twin Archer Brewpub (all ages)
    117 W. Charles St.
    Twin Archer will feature artwork by self-taught Hoosier artist, Christine Abercrombie. She enjoys painting as a hobby. The use of color and music is very important to her as an artist. She paints on a music stand while listening to music that moves her. She has done several showings in Muncie and will be showcasing new material at Twin Archer. 

    Valhalla  (21+)
    215 S. Walnut

    Valhalla presents “Blues Jam” every Thursday. “Blues Jam” is an open event with sign-up starting at 7pm and music from 8-11pm. Come show us your talent!

    Canan Commons, 500 S. Walnut St.
    YART is a Yard Sale for Art! YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues here and in several U.S. cities - a Muncie original! The Muncie YART is now held Downtown, at Canan Commons, twice a year, Spring and Fall, on the First Thursday of every May and October. 

    This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together Artists and Art patrons in a casual and unique setting. The Spring 2019 Muncie YART will be held in conjunction with the May 2019 Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2nd, from 5-8pm. YART will ring the park at Canan Commons, Muncie's great urban greenspace park and amphitheater at the roundabout on South Walnut Street in Downtown Muncie, Indiana. 

    All forms of Art are welcome at YART! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of Artists! YART encourages interaction between Artists and the community, hoping to make Art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy Art for themselves and their homes. To this goal, all YART Art will be priced below $40! YART works to enable local creative entrepreneurs and to improve the Muncie economy. Shop local, support independents, enjoy your town! 

    Last YART featured over 100 Artists! Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their Art, handle sales personally, and some Artists will be making Art LIVE at YART! This is a great opportunity to enjoy your family interacting with local culture in a dynamic, lively, and relaxed atmosphere. We love kids and there will be lots of fun stuff for them at Canan Commons too! 

    The Spring 2019 Muncie YART will feature a wide variety of handmade jewelry, photography, clothing, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, fused glass, ceramics, knits, pottery, candles, toys, drawings, sculpture, lampwork glass, stuffed animals, digital art, mosaics, LIVE ART and LIVE MUSIC, and so much more!

    Fun for all ages - YART and the ArtsWalk are for the whole family!

    Miss Moth (YART Director) and the YART Artists very much thank Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership and the Muncie Parks Department for their generous support! YART is an all-volunteer, zero-budget, community event. THANK YOU!

May 11, 2019


May 18, 2019


May 25, 2019


Jun 1, 2019


Jun 8, 2019


Jun 15, 2019


Jun 22, 2019


Jun 29, 2019


Jul 6, 2019


Jul 13, 2019


Jul 20, 2019


Jul 27, 2019


Aug 3, 2019


Aug 10, 2019
