Amy Gibson
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Oct 27, 2017
Trunk or Treat 4pm to 12:42pm @ Boys & Girls Club of Muncie in Heekin Park 1710 S. Madison Street
To provide a fun and safe alternative to knocking on doors, the Boys & Girls Club of Muncie, in partnership BSU Athletics, is hosting Trunk Or Treat and Fall Festival 2017. Families, businesses, groups and student organizations are invited to distribute candy and goodies during the event. Setup for trunks start at 2:00 p.m. in Heekin Park. Trunk or Treating will start at 4:00 p.m. and go until 7:00 p.m. To register a trunk please go to:
Sep 26, 2018
Just Desserts 5:30pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N Minnetrista Parkway
Cost: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie and Old National Bank are excited to invite you to the 3rd Annual Just Desserts on September 26, 2018. This year the event will take place at Minnetrista Cultural Center at 5:30 p.m.
Guests will enjoy wine, appetizers, music, and fellowship with friends. In addition, guests will spend the evening in the lovey Rose Garden at Minnetrista. When it is time for dessert, the table champions will work with their team to outbid other tables to win the dessert of their choice. The highest bid will get their choice of desserts provided by Muncie’s finest bakers. Last year’s event raised more than $30,000.
“Just Desserts is a wonderful event that brings people together to further the good works that guide, empower and prepare our community’s young people. These are the people on whom Muncie’s future depends.” Jeff Howe, Region President of Old National Bank.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Heidi Hale from Heidi J Hale Designs + Detail located in Downtown Muncie. Ms. Hale is a longtime supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie. Her servant leadership and general caring nature is exactly what the organization strives to model for club kids.
Proceeds from this event will be used to offset the difference between the cost of membership to the member and the true cost to the center. Families are granted membership to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie for a cost of only $15 per year. The club averages a cost of $4,000 per year per member. The difference is made up with fundraisers, donations, and giving from our community partners.