83 past events with the preschool tag
16 upcoming events with this tagJan 11, 2020
Winter Greenhouse Tour 1pm to 2pm @ Dr. Joe and Alice Rinard Orchid Greenhouse 2500 W. University Ave., Ball State University
Come in out of the COLD and explore the Rinard Orchid
Greenhouse. Visit the tropics and see lots of flowers
with only a tiny travel jaunt! FREE and open to Adults & Families (children ages 5+) 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Parking is available near Christy Woods on the Ball State University campus. No permit required on Saturdays. For
questions, contact Cheryl LeBlanc or call 765-285-8839.Oct 10, 2020
Pirate for a Day Arts Adventure 9:30am to 11:30am @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $20 Ages: Preschool - 5th Grade Feb 4, 2021
"A Tribute to Glass" by Terrika Clark Art Exhibition
9am to 7pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery, Floor 2
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Local artist Terrika Clark challenges viewers to see more than just their reflection in her work.
This mixed-media exhibit will be displayed in the Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery on the second floor of Cornerstone Center of the Arts.
The opening reception will be held in conjunction with Muncie DWNTWN's First Thursday on February 4 from 5 - 8 p.m. and will remain on display until February 26
Feb 6, 2021
Recycled Valentines Crafting Workshop
1pm to 3pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
Colonnade Room, Floor 1
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $5 Join us as we create our own paper using scraps, dried flowers, glitter, and anything else our heart desires. By adding seeds to the paper, our love can blossom this spring after being planted. What a unique way to share your affection!
Each table can seat up to 6 people in your party and will be socially distanced from others in our Colonnade Room.
“Take & Make” kits are also available for purchase for $5 each. These kits will include the supplies necessary to complete the project, excluding any items that are likely found in your home. For this project, those items are a blender and old towels or tshirts.
Please plan to pick up your kit between 1 - 3 p.m. Saturday, February 6 at the Cornerstone Center for the Arts North Entrance.
Mar 23, 2022
Family Adventure Day: Spring Celebration
10am to 6pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Who’s ready for an adventure? Bring your family and friends for a day full of adventures together at Minnetrista! This free community event is open to the whole family. With so much being offered, the day is a choose-your-own-adventure opportunity. The various activities create space for learning, active family participation, and fun! Spend a beautiful spring day at Minnetrista, exploring with friends and family.
To help us manage capacity for social distancing, there will be three two-hour sessions, and we ask that you please pre-register. Masks are required inside and encouraged outside where social distancing is impossible. The hour in between each session will be used to sanitize areas and activity materials to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff
Mar 25, 2022
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
This is a free community event. Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can run, jump, play, and create using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Mar 27, 2022
Imagination Playground
12pm to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
This is a free community event. Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can run, jump, play, and create using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Apr 9, 2022
Glass Easter Egg Hunt
10am to 1pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Oakhurst Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $20/egg Things are getting egg-citing at Minnetrista, and you’re invited to a Glass Easter Egg Hunt in Oakhurst Gardens. Grab your family and get ready to search the garden for your piece of glass art to take home! Don’t want to hunt for your egg? Come into the Ed Center for the Annual Spring Glass Sale in partnership with Ball State University Glass Guild.
Apr 23, 2022
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
This is a free community event. Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can run, jump, play, and create using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Apr 24, 2022
Imagination Playground
12pm to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
This is a free community event. Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can run, jump, play, and create using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Apr 26, 2022
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
This is a free community event. Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can run, jump, play, and create using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Jun 15, 2022
Luke Day
4pm to 7pm @
NextHome Elite Real Estate
Parking Lot
1806 W McGalliard Road, Muncie
Our 3rd annual community outreach day, LUKE DAY is coming June 15th! So bring your dog and come celebrate with us as we support local animal organization, Grateful Rescue & Sanctuary!
There will be pet portraits by HannahKayy Photography, pet treats and goodies from Roo's Holistic Pet Supplies, live music and broadcast by 104.1 WLBC, food truck, giveaways, raffles, games, and more!
All proceeds benefit Grateful Rescue & Sanctuary.
Mark your calendars and come out, have fun, and support a great local organization!
Jul 13, 2022
Faerie House Workshop 10am to 12pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $25/faerie house; member discounts apply Cost: $25/faerie house; member discounts apply
Registration deadline: July 21
Arts and crafts have never been so fun! Create a magical home for your faerie friends in an imaginative, family workshop. You can create a one-of-a-kind wonderland masterpiece using an array of bright colors, patterns, and textures.
Jul 28, 2022
Faeries, Sprites, & Lights 5pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under free July 28-30; 5–9 p.m. | July 31; Noon–4 p.m., Sensory friendly event
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under freeMember-only presale - June 20-30 | Public presale - July 1 to the day of the event
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the events.During this multi-day event, children are encouraged to come dressed in their best magical faerie attire as they imagine and play in a magical faerie wonderland. Families can enjoy games, crafts, a theater show, live music and dancing, a bubble garden, and more throughout our enchanted Oakhurst Gardens. Kids and families are also encouraged to interact with the live characters, participate in our Faerie House Workshop, and enjoy some Faerie Tea.
Jul 29, 2022
Faeries, Sprites, & Lights 5pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under free July 28-30; 5–9 p.m. | July 31; Noon–4 p.m., Sensory friendly event
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under freeMember-only presale - June 20-30 | Public presale - July 1 to the day of the event
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the events.During this multi-day event, children are encouraged to come dressed in their best magical faerie attire as they imagine and play in a magical faerie wonderland. Families can enjoy games, crafts, a theater show, live music and dancing, a bubble garden, and more throughout our enchanted Oakhurst Gardens. Kids and families are also encouraged to interact with the live characters, participate in our Faerie House Workshop, and enjoy some Faerie Tea.
Jul 30, 2022
Faerie Tea Party - Session 1 10am to 12pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Ages: $35/pair, $15 each additional Faerie Tea Party - Session 2 1pm to 3pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $35/pair, $15 each additional Faeries, Sprites, & Lights 5pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under free July 28-30; 5–9 p.m. | July 31; Noon–4 p.m., Sensory friendly event
Cost: $12; $10 members | Kids 2 & under freeMember-only presale - June 20-30 | Public presale - July 1 to the day of the event
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the events.During this multi-day event, children are encouraged to come dressed in their best magical faerie attire as they imagine and play in a magical faerie wonderland. Families can enjoy games, crafts, a theater show, live music and dancing, a bubble garden, and more throughout our enchanted Oakhurst Gardens. Kids and families are also encouraged to interact with the live characters, participate in our Faerie House Workshop, and enjoy some Faerie Tea.
Dec 11, 2022
Family Workshop: Gingerbread House Decorating 2pm to 4pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: 25 Cost: $25/house; member discounts apply
Registration deadline: December 9
Bring the magic of Christmas to life when you create a gingerbread masterpiece with your whole family at Minnetrista! Enjoy sweet cookies and holiday music, meet and take photos with Gingy the gingerbread man. Make holiday memories at Minnetrista!
Jun 3, 2023
The Walking Market
9am to 4pm @
Plank Brothers Bike Co, Urban Farm and Recycling Center
920 W 8th St
Enjoy a host of homemade goodies, fun, and sunshine!
Featuring a number of community members and leaders, this event is a networking opportunity allowing artists and admiring patrons to connect in meaningful ways.
If you're a vendor and wish to participate, here's the sign up form! All details concerning sign up can be ascertained on the original Facebook link as well as any updates around the event in general.
The Walking Market
9am to 4pm @
Plank Brothers Bike Co, Urban Farm and Recycling Center
920 W 8th St
Luke Day
4pm to 7pm @
NextHome Elite Real Estate
Parking Lot
1806 W McGalliard Road, Muncie
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Imagination Playground
12pm to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Glass Easter Egg Hunt
10am to 1pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Oakhurst Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Imagination Playground
12pm to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Imagination Playground
9am to 5pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Center Building
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Family Adventure Day: Spring Celebration
10am to 6pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Recycled Valentines Crafting Workshop
1pm to 3pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
Colonnade Room, Floor 1
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
"A Tribute to Glass" by Terrika Clark Art Exhibition
9am to 7pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery, Floor 2
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305