25 past events with the beadmaking tag
0 upcoming events with this tagJul 30, 2011
Make an Egyptian Coil Bracelet Workshop
3pm to 4:30pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
Cost: $15 Ages: 8-11 Learn the traditional craft of Egyptian coil bracelet making. Students will construct their own bracelets from wire and beads as well as learn how to choose colors, types of stones, and basic ancient Egyptian symbols and their meanings that adhere to the tradition. Cost of this workshop is $15 and is for those ages eight to 11. Registration is available online or in our building. Contact the Education Department at 765.281.9503, ext 15 with any questions.
Jun 8, 2013
Festival on the Green: Arts Fair 5:30pm to 7pm @ Arts Terrace, Ball State University 2021 Riverside Ave.
Come enjoy live entertainment, music and art during the Festival on the Green on Saturday, June 8th, 2013 on the lawn of the Ball State University Arts Terrace. An Arts Fair, hosted by the Muncie Arts and Culture Council, will be from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, with the Muncie Symphony Orchestra taking stage at 7:00 pm.
The Muncie Symphony Orchestra will be hosting an Around the World-theme picnic contest prior to the concert. The winners of the picnic contest will be awarded prizes donated by local businesses! Picnics must register at the information tent between 5:30 and 6:15pm and will be marked by a numbered helium balloon. The picnic contest will conclude at 7:00 pm.
The Arts Fair will feature over twenty local artists, authors, and organizations that will be offering art activities for families, art and jewelry pieces for sale, information about programming, a musical petting zoo and more. The event is free, but there will be several opportunities to purchase items from the vendors so don’t forget to bring some cash! Door prizes will be given away during the fair and prizes include tickets to local arts organization events, jewelry from several local artisans, and more.
Bring your own chairs, blankets, and picnics to enjoy the show or rent a table for eight and eight chairs for $20 from the Muncie Symphony League volunteers.
Event presented by Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund, Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, and Muncie Arts and Culture Council. Event supported by Indiana Arts Commission, Ball State University, Indiana Public Radio, WERK Radio, and WIPB.
For more information, visit http://www.munciesymphony.org or call (765) 285-5531.
Oct 3, 2013
Fall 2013 YART - A Yard Sale for Art! 5pm to 9pm @ Downtown
Join YART on FaceBook!
~ YART - A Yard Sale for Art! ~
Downtown Muncie, Indiana every Spring and Fall!
- All artists manage their own displays and sales!
- We keep a yard sale vibe with all art priced under $40!
- Meet the artists making LIVE art!
- Children's Hands-On ArtSpace!
- All kinds of art made by all kinds of artists!
- Everyone is welcome!
- YART is FREE to attend!
- Artists: There is no vending fee for YART and YART does not take a cut of your sales. You'll need your own display and we suggest some chairs. YART is outdoors, so plan for heat, wind, and hopefully not rain. ;) Make contact to reserve your space NOW! :)
- LIVE entertainers are very welcome!
- MissMoth@Gmail.comDec 4, 2014
Northern Lights: Music Festival and Light Show
8pm to 12:42pm @
Be Here Now
in the Village, across the street from the Village Pantry
505 N. Dill St.
Cost: $3 (over 21) $6 (under 21) - Half off with student ID! Come out and dance your soles off! We're gonna shake Be Here Now with a few thousand watts of sound, tons of glowsticks, face painting, tons of lights, and more!
Three local DJ producers opening the night up:
9pm - Phlank ( https://soundcloud.com/phlank )
10:15pm - Ejion Official ( https://soundcloud.com/ejion )
11:30pm - Re:born ( https://soundcloud.com/rebornsound )
and we're happy to announce Button Mashers ( https://soundcloud.com/button-mashers ) coming back out to Muncie to bring the night to it's highest!
Video Art by:
Holly Lay (check out some of her work at ( www.HollyLay.com )
Colin Ledbetter
and Andy Hesik
LED Hooping by:
Cassie Gabriel
Ashley Downing
(learn more about getting lessons at https://www.facebook.com/BallStateGroupFitness?ref=br_tf )
and Laura Christine Haisley!
Extra love for our good buddies down at Sight & Sound Music Center! (www.sightandsoundmusic.com%2F&h=zAQGO10eo&enc=AZMcU9U04hRjBK8CjvrZc6-Y91QbzKAkDcps4NdMk8EkE95XkSE2UC0YdB2cstOtcq4&s=1" target="_blank">http://www.sightandsoundmusic.com/ )
Support from @BallStParties on Twitter - helping people find rad parties wherever they're at in Muncie
https://www.facebook.com/events/906941115997088/ Jul 9, 2016
Northern Lights: Music Festival and Light Show
8pm to 12:42pm @
Be Here Now
in the Village, across the street from the Village Pantry
505 N. Dill St.