4 past events with the sci-fi film tag
0 upcoming events with this tagSep 27, 2014
Rocky Horror Picture Show 8pm to 12:42pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts E.B. Ball Auditorium 520 E Main, Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $10 per person Ages: 18+ Cornerstone Center for the Arts and After Dark invite you to join in an evening of time warping, fishnets, and rice on Saturday, September 27 for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Step out of your comfort zone and into the world of Dr. Frank N. Furter with this cult classic film. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to view the Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. with the festivities beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the E.B. Ball Auditorium on the 1st floor at Cornerstone. In addition to an exclusive screening of the movie, the evening will be hosted by Scarevania’s Freakhouse Flicks with special guest performances by The Old Queen’s Men shadow cast. The evening will be full of exciting entertainment complete with each guest receiving a prop bag and guide to Rocky Horror.
Costumes and Rocky Horror-dress is welcomed, but not required. Those who dress up can enter into costume contests that include, best dressed, best character look-a-like, and most creative. Various door prizes will be up for grabs, as well as a chance to win cash prizes. Concessions and a cash bar, provided by The Mark III Taproom, will be available.
This event is open to those who are 18 years and older. Admission is only $10 and includes a goody bag filled all the best Rocky Horror props. Tickets can be purchased at cornerstonearts.org or by calling the Box Office at 765-289-9687. All proceeds will benefit Cornerstone Center for the Arts.
Cornerstone Center for the Arts has partnered with Be Here Now for the official Rocky Horror After Party. Be Here Now, located at 505 N. Dill St, will kick off the after party at 11:00 p.m. with a live burlesque show. Information about the after party can be obtained by visiting their website beherenowmusic.com.
Support for this event has been provided by After Dark, WLBC, MAX, The Fickle Peach, Lucky Rabbit Tattoo and Body Piercing, and Be Here Now. Questions about this event? Call 765-281-9503, ext. 23, 15 or 53.
Oct 2, 2014
Muncie Open Screen 5:15pm to 12:42pm @ Muncie Civic Theatre 216 E. Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Muncie Open Screen is a monthly showcase for local filmmakers at the Muncie Civic Theatre. It operates similarly to an ‘Open Mic Night’ for singers or comedians— local filmmakers can bring their short films, music videos, commercials, home movies, or whatever else they have in a video format and see it played on the big screen.
There is no cost to submit, but there will be an optional, suggested donation at the door. All donations go directly to the Muncie Civic Theater.
Each screening is all ages and open to the public.
Aug 1, 2015
Rocky Horror Picture Show auditions 1pm to 12:42pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts Grand Auditorium 520 E Main, Muncie, IN 47305
Hey, baby! You look like you're pretty groovy! Are you a wild and untamed thing? Do you Time Warp until you drop? Then you should audition for THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW with the Old Queen's Men at Cornerstone Center for the Arts! We are the original Muncie Shadow Cast and we sure do know how to party! Click the link below to fill out an audition form and get all the info you need to prep for your chance to shine. Join us as we celebrate 7 Years of Absolute Pleasure in Muncie.
Oct 25, 2020
Acting for the Camera Masterclass 3pm to 5pm @ Virtual Event
URL: https://www.cornerstonearts.org/enter-stage-right/filmacting Cost: $25 Ages: High School + In partnership with Zach Kononov of Zachting Studio
Acting for the stage and acting for film require a different set of skills. Today, acting for the camera has become a necessary (and fun) way to perform theatre and share stories. Sign up to day to dive into the world of film.
Upon registration you will receive a Zoom link and workshop information.