29 past events with the piano tag
1 upcoming event with this tagMay 9, 2012
Live Piano Featuring Frank Aviah
8pm to 12:42pm @
D Luxe Bar & Lounge
1608 W. University Ave
Ages: 21+ d luxe bar & lounge is now opening for Wine Down Wednesdays! Come see one of the most amazing piano players Muncie has to offer! Specials on wine by the glass all night!
d luxe. a normal bar with a touch of class!
May 23, 2013
Mutts (Chicago, IL) Vinyl Release with Model Stranger, Moose, and Diphox 9pm to 3am @ Be Here Now 505 N Dill St
Yay, Mutts return!!! Two of BHN's favorite Chicago acts in one night WITH 50 CENT PBR, MOOSE AND DIPHOX LATE NIGHT!!! Yee haa!!!
Celebrating the release of our first Unplugged LP - Object Permanence.
Download it here for FREE through the end of April:
http://download.muttsmusic.com/MUTTS links:
http://wearemutts.com/Model Stranger:
https://www.facebook.com/ModelStrangerPress for Object Permanence:
"Mutts music embraces the inner turmoil, the things that are striven for, the ways that we fall short, the ways we’re let down, as well as the few things that spark us back onto the right track, even if those are the rare moments, the briefest of comebacks." - Sean Moeller, Daytrotter"With dark lyrics and vocals that sound like unfiltered Camels soaked in whisky, it’s no wonder Time Out Chicago once described the Chicago band Mutts as “Tom Waits fronting a garage band.” Usually plugged in, Mutts will bust out the acoustics to perform songs from their new album, Object Permanence." - Tony Sarabia, WBEZ
"Chicago’s rock trio Mutts is known for gritty, grungy guitar distortions and loud in-your-face blues rock. But on their newest album, Object Permanence, you’ll hear none of that. Mike Maimone’s guttural vocals take the center of attention, delivering poignant social commentary over stripped down, unplugged arrangements." - Jesse Menendez, Vocalo.org
"An entirely unplugged affair, the Chicago trio’s third full-length flips the coin on last year’s amped-up companion, “Separation Anxiety,” stripping down to piano, upright bass and drums for a rowdy, rhythmically rich mix of skid row show-boating highlighting biting blues and hootchie-cootchie boogie." - John Joyd, Maximum Ink Magazine
Watch Mutts' brief but nonetheless national TV debut on WGN: http://wgntv.com/2013/03/29/music-lounge-mutts-perform-live/
Mutts play a new cut and talk about things on Consequence of Sound:
http://consequenceofsound.net/2013/02/rock-it-out-blog-areacode-mutts/Jun 20, 2013
Lucrezio Live
10pm to 12:42pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.
Cost: $3 (21+), $6 (under 21) Chicago-based acoustic duo, Lucrezio, will be joined by three Muncie-originated artists at Be Here Now. Enjoy this chill evening of acoustic music, rounded out by Witchdoctor's grunge rock.
ALL AGES // 10pm (8pm Doors)
$3 over 21, $6 under. $1 off with BSU id/BHN Swag/Canned Good.
505 N. Dill St., Muncie, IN
Lucrezio - www.lucreziomusic.com
Dan Snodgrass of Bonesetters -www.bonesetters.bandcamp.com
Witchdoctor - www.witchdoctorrocks.bandcamp.com
The Falling Chaotic - www.facebook.com/thefallingchaotic
Nov 17, 2013
Susan Werner 7pm to 12:42pm @ Pruis Hall, Ball State University Ball State University, next to Bracken and University Theater
Cost: $19(adv.)/$24(door) Dubbed by NPR as the “Empress of the Unexpected,” singer/songwriter Susan Werner confirms her reputation as an artist as changeable as the weather with her newest recording Hayseed. Paying tribute to American agriculture and to her Iowa farm roots, Werner again keeps her audiences guessing and laughing simultaneously.
Tickets on sale August 12, 2013.
For more information call the Emens Auditorium Box Office at (765) 285-1539 or visit www.bsu.edu/emens
Feb 23, 2014
America's Hometown Band "Parade of Stars" concert
4:30pm to 12:42pm @
Emens Auditorium
Ball State University
1800 W. Riverside Ave.
Muncie’s very own AMERICA’S HOMETOWN BAND, “the Civic Band of Muncie”, revs up Emens Auditorium with a FREE “Parade of Stars” concert, in conjunction with Emens 50th anniversary celebration. This concert puts the spotlight on five standout solo performers and the artwork of Ball State Professor Emeritus Ned Griner.
The standout solo performers are:
Ball State alumni and retired local physician Phil Cooley, performs Edvard Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16. The band accompaniment for this piece is arranged by award winning Ball State composer Jody Nagel.
Ball State alumni, outstanding music educator, and xylophone soloist David Robbins performs Floyd Werle’s ragtime piece, The Golden Age of the Xylophone.
Ball State Saxophone Professor Dr. George Wolfe plays Sammy Nestico’s beautiful ballad, Persuasion.
Local trumpeters Joel Replogle and Mike White are featured in an arrangement by Donald Hunsberger,“Themes from Bizet’s opera Carmen”. Replogle is one of Muncie’s best-kept secrets: a world-class soloist who spends most of his time being a husband, father and computer geek. Mike White is known as one of Indiana’s best lead trumpeters.
Music director of America's Hometown Band is Roger McConnell.
May 1, 2014
First Thursday 5pm to 9pm @ Downtown
Cost: 21+ in some locations Art on display at The Artist Within
Art on display at The Artist Within
Art on display at The Artist Within
Art on display at The Artist Within
Art by Sally Myers, on display at Gallery 308
Art by Sally Myers, on display at Gallery 308
Painting by Eric Ernstberger, on display at Gordy Fine Art & Framing
Muncie Makes Lab
Muncie Makes Lab
Muncie Makes Lab
The Artist Within
313 S WalnutMay at the Artist Within will feature the annual exhibit of work done by the Advanced Art Students from Muncie Southside and Muncie Central High Schools. Drawings, paintings, jewelry, ceramics, sculpture and more will remain on display from May 1 through May 31; several pieces are for sale.
An opening reception to meet the artists will be held during First Thursday May 1 from 5-8pm. Light refreshments will be served and live music will be provided by Bryce Taylor.
The Fickle Peach (21+)
117 E CharlesFollowing the success of their past collaborative themed shows, Aaron Brunsman and Jarrod Case will be heading up a group show at Fickle Peach for May's First Thursday. The concept is simple. Participating artists must follow a common theme for their works to be displayed, and the theme is the only thing that is in common in the works. The artists can choose which media they prefer along with his or her approach to the common theme. The theme for this show is "Nudes". The opening will start at 5pm with refreshments and an artists meet and greet.
Gallery 308
308 E Main
Circles and BirdsAn exhibit featuring artist Sally Myers opens First Thursday at Gallery 308 on May 1. Circles and Birds is a collection of metal scultpures created from steel rings Myers found at a scrap yard in Muncie. The opening reception for the new exhibit will be held from 5 to 8 p.m.
Myers said, "I love everything about these rings - the uneven shape, the empty space inside, the opportunity to add objects at the top, bottom and sides, the material - steel - to which I can weld other steel shapes. I also like the fact that they can be displayed outdoors and develop a beautiful rust patina."
She added, "I make this work by working at a coal forge, heating the steel rods to yellow heat, then forming the pieces with a hand hammer or power hammer. I cut the steel birds from steel sheets using a plasma torch. There is quite a lot of magic in working with hot steel. After you heat and bend the steel, even after it is cold, you can appreciate that it was once fluid and able to bend which I think of as 'remembering when it was hot'."
Myers retired from teaching art at Ball State University a few years ago and currently lives on a farm in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia with a dog, cat, and a few guinea fowl. Her work has been shown in exhibitions all over the United States including the 27th International Exhibition on Animals in Art, Earth, Wheel and Fire, the International Juried Ceramics Exhibition, and the International Juried Exhibition at The Herbst International Exhibition Hall at the Presidio of San Francisco, California.
Myers is also back in Muncie to celebrate the dedication April 30th of the three panel steel sculpture titled ” Growing through the Changes”, she created located on the grounds of City Hall. The sculpture was commissioned and funded by Gallery 308, its members and from major funding from the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County and donated to the City of Muncie and its residents.
The exhibit will be on display through May 30. The gallery’s hours are Fridays 3-7pm and Saturdays from 12:30 – 5:00pm. Admission is free.
Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
224 E Main
Acrylic Energy PaintingsMuncie landscape architect Eric Ernstberger spends a lot of time with his head in the clouds. His work requires a “view from the top” of cityscapes, which he then helps design for ease of travel and beauty. It is not surprising to find that his day work influences his art, which he creates mostly at night. As the rest of his family sleeps, the artist applies copious amounts of acrylic paint to thick watercolor paper in swirls, streaks and cross hatches that become sunset deserts, African landscapes or lavender-lit interiors. One painting, titled, “Afar,” could be a modern take on the famous Monet water lily series. The artist delivers just enough; it is then up to the viewer to decipher the rest.
Art is a form of communication, after all, and tells a story that can only be told in that medium, at that time, by that artist. Ernstberger is deeply connected to the surface of our planet and sees it with eyes educated to know how humans interact with the hills, mountains, plains and waters of our world, for better or worse. His, “American Maelstrom,” delivers an ominous message via active strokes of red, white and blue with occasional merges into that welcomed benevolent lavender. The artist points out that his work offers “intense abstraction or new perspectives on familiar subjects.”
Ernstberger will speak about his latest work, and answer questions during his opening reception on Thursday, May 1, 2014. The short talk will begin at 6:15 PM in the main gallery, and the public is invited.
The Heorot (21+)
219 S WalnutHeorot will be featuring a drawing show with artists including Nick Jones, Elise Rodrick, Janelle Summers and Casey Parmerlee to name a few.
Ivy Tech Patterson Building
118 S Walnut – 3rd floor ballroomPlease join Dr. Amanda Latz, Assistant Professor of Adult, Higher, and Community Education, and the graduate students in the EDCC 641 course “Community Colleges and Diversity” at their Photovoice event. The Photovoice event is a participatory photo exhibition to be held on May 1, 2014 from 5 to 7 pm at Ivy Tech Community College’s Patterson Building, third floor ballroom. The Photovoice exhibition is the culmination of a research project carried out by six graduate students in the EDCC 641 course who worked with administrators and students at Ivy Tech Community College involved in LIFE STEPS, a federally-funded TRIO and student support services program that provides students with tutoring, counseling, and instructional services for student success. Through a process of providing six Ivy Tech students with disposable cameras, talking with the students about their photos, and analyzing the conversations to gain understanding about students’ experiences, the EDCC 641 class—in collaboration with Ivy Tech—has organized the Photovoice exhibition as a way to showcase the participatory action research. The exhibition will display the students’ photos, include refreshments, and serve as an interactive space for dialogue and reflection. All Muncie, Ivy Tech Community College, and Ball State University community members are welcome to attend and engage the students at this event. For more information about the EDCC 641 photovoice project, please visit the website or contact Dr. Amanda Latz at aolatz@bsu.edu.
The Living Room
130 W Jackson
PerilousArtist Cassy Hoffine explains that "'Perilous' is a reminder of simpler times. When we were children, our imaginations roamed free. Now, adulthood overshadows the days of imaginative playing. Something that was once innocent and fun is too unpredictable: a child could get hurt if they are not protected from every risk. I photographed children in out-of-the ordinary situations, and the artwork is intended for an adult audience. Since every adult has some memory of being a child, the work juxtaposes their perspectives with the children’s."
Muncie Makes Lab
628 S WalnutMuncie Makes Lab will have student work from multiple disciplines, but mainly CAP, featured in a gallery style. Students in an interdisciplinary studio have been working all semester to reopen the building into a gallery/workshop space.
Rose Court
125 E Charles
Cultural Narratives Through PhotographyThe Rose Court's guest artists for May will be the students of the "Design with Photography" class in the Landscape Architecture Department at Ball State University.
"Cultural Narratives Through Photography" is an exhibition celebrating the pervading spirit of place. Thirteen individual photographers present their work in series, exploring topics ranging from landscape, place, iconoclastic symbols, and the passage of time. The exhibition highlights the stories held within each subject, capturing these accounts through various photographic techniques. The photographic series will be on display in the central atrium of The Rose Court Building and will guide visitors through a journey exploring varying place and photographic media. Specific series address the “Unaltered Landscape,” “Building Blocks of America,” “Commuter’s Drive,” “Power of Sunlight,” and “Layers of the Trail.” The photographers present work in color, black and white, and photographic oil detailing. Materiality, depth of field, juxtaposition, lighting, and motion are just a few of the controlled variables explored. Please join the exhibitors as they celebrate investigation and artistry. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information or images, contact culturalphoto@gmail.com.
The Valhalla Room (21+)
215 S Walnut
Poetry Reading Benefit, Silent Art Auction, and 'Drinks and Draw'Valhalla will be featuring an art event 'Drinks and Draw' an interactive installation where patrons are invited to create their own work and hang it on the display wall.
Also, please join us for an unveiling of our initiative on the evening of May the 1st at 7:30pm at the Valhalla Venue. Expect a night to remember filled with poetry, art and inspiration.
Included in the evening will be a Power of Words poetry reading benefit and silent art auction, which will raise funds to help inspire downtown by painting the well-known landmark, Dave’s Alley.
Poetry reading by various artists.
Artwork by various artists.
Music by pianist John Linburg.Wine donated by J & J Winery.
Beer donated by Flat 12 Brewery.
Additional beverages provided by the Hereot.All proceeds to go to The Power of Words.
Attending Poets: (more to come)
Angela Jackson-Brown- published poet, playwright and award winning author
Tom Chester –Award winning poet
Debra Gindhart Dragoo – published poet
Anna Adams - published poet
Daniel Stewart -An artist who loves to write and relateArtwork on display for auction: (more to come)
Framed Photography on display by Erin Sadler Photography. Prints will be made available for resale by artist.
Debra Gindhart Dragoo, Britt Husman, Craig Mathis, Kyle Wardlow, Mandy Meyers, Daniel Stewart, Jenni KeithDoor prizes will be provided by published poet - Micah Ling
Settlement, a new collection of poetry by 2011 Indiana Emerging Author Award winner and occasional NUVO correspondent Micah Ling
Old National Financial Parking Lot
Corner of Walnut and CharlesThe Spring 2014 Muncie YART will be held from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/events/1454615158108419
YART is a Yard Sale for Art! We keep the yard sale vibe going by having the sale outdoors and keeping all art priced under $40. YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues to gain popularity in several U.S. cities. The Muncie YART is now held in Downtown Muncie, twice a year, Spring and Fall.
Muncie’s Spring 2014 YART will be held in conjunction with the May 2014 First Thursday Gallery Walk. YART is held in the Old National Financial lot on the corner of Walnut and Charles Streets in Downtown Muncie, Indiana. This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together artists and art patrons in a casual and unique setting.
All forms of art are welcome! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of artists! YART encourages interaction between artists and the community, hoping to make art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy art for themselves. To this goal, all YART art will be priced under $40!
Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their art, handle sales personally, and some artists will be making art LIVE at YART!
The Spring 2014 YART will feature over 50 artists with their beaded jewelry, soaps, photography, candles, buttons, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, fused glass art and jewelry, prints, knits for children and adults, screenprinted t-shirts, drawings, sculpture, lampwork glass beads, stuffed animals and dolls, clothing, digital art, baby booties, and mosaics; as well as the YART Hands-On Children’s ArtSpace, appearances by the acappella singing group Slyphs & Seraphim, the Cornfed Derby Dames, Muncie Burn Mob, the Blue Sky Carnival Band, Muncie OUTreach, and so much more! Fun for all ages - YART and the First Thursday Gallery Walk are for the whole family!
YART is still accepting artists! There is no cost to vend at YART, and YART does not take a cut from artist’s sales. Artists manage their own sales and need their own display. To become a YART Artist, please email Miss Moth here: MissMoth@gmail.com
Like YART on Facebook by visiting https://www.facebook.com/pages/Muncie-Yart/156725934394407
YART is an all-volunteer/no-budget event and its organizer, Miss Moth, is very grateful to Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership for support and the donation of YART poster printing, Old National Financial for the donated use of their parking lot, and to The Artist Within for being great YART neighbors!
May 9, 2014
Tonal Caravan - Last Local Show 10pm to 3am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill
Ages: 18+ Hey everyone! It's been a bit since we jammed the Now, and I encourage you to make it out to this show! The last time we had Tristen Brooke in town, they wowed everyone with their infectious rhythms and mesmerizing picking style.
Also this will be the last time to catch Tonal Caravan locally for some time, as we re-organize, re-brand, write new tunes and set off into new musical territories.
Thanks for supporting us thus far, and we hope to see you around soon!Oct 14, 2014
Ball State Arts Alive Concert Series: Sean Chen, Piano
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
corner of Riverside and McKinley Avenues
Cost: General Admission is $35; $80 for the Series (3 concerts). Pianist Sean Chen, the 2013 DeHaan Classical Fellow of The American Pianists Association, recently won Third Prize at the 14th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Recognized as a rising star, Chen has appeared as a soloist with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra,Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra,,and the Juilliard Orchestra. Chen is a graduate of The Juilliard School, where he earned his bachelor's and master's degrees, and is pursuing his artist diploma at the Yale School of Music.
Nov 1, 2014
Time Machine 7:30pm to 12:42pm @ Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University corner of Riverside and McKinley Avenues Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: Admission: Adults $30 advance/$35 at door | BSU students FREE in advance with ID/$10 at door | Youth K-12 $5 Guest Artists: The American Horn Quartet; YiChang Cui, MSO Young Artist Competition 2014 Winner, pianoTake a journey through time starting at the Renaissance and ending in the 1900’s: Gabrieli, Bach, Mozart, Schumann, Grieg, and Prokofiev. The American Horn Quartet will perform Schumann’s famous “Konzertstück” on their farewell tour.Presenting Sponsor: Meridian Health Services
Feb 21, 2016
Free America's Hometown Band Concert
4:30pm to 12:42pm @
Emens Auditorium
1800 W Riverside Ave
America’s Hometown Band
Celebrates Great Beginnings!
Enjoy a luscious program of famous musical Preludes & Introductions presented by America’s Hometown Band to celebrate the 28th anniversary of the formation of the AHB, under the direction of Roger McConnell. Join the band at Emens on Sunday afternoon on Feb. 21st, 4:30 pm.
Featured solo performers are saxophonist George Wolfe (Porgy & Bess Medley by George Gershwin), and pianist Phillip Cooley (Cordoba by Julie Giroux).
Dec 24, 2020
Christmas Eve Carols at the Piano 9pm to 9:45pm @ Virtual Event
Aug 27, 2021
Jung Sun Kang /// "First Sonatas" Artist Talk and Piano Recital
6:30pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
E.B. Ball Auditorium
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
PlySpace, the artist in residence program of The Muncie Arts and Culture Council is excited to announce “First Sonatas”, the artist talk and piano recital featuring PlySpace Artist in Residence, Jung Sun Kang. “First Sonatas” will take place in the E.B. Ball Auditorium of Cornerstone Center for the Arts on Friday, August 27, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. “First Sonatas” will serve as the world premiere of Kang’s sonata composed while at the PlySpace Artist Residency in Muncie. This event is free and open to the public, all ages welcome. Masks are required for this event. RSVP is preferred but not required at www.PlySpace.org/events.
During the artist talk and piano recital, “First Sonatas,” Jung Sun Kang will perform the First Movement of Piano Sonata No.1 by composers Carl Vine and Nikolai Kapustin, as well as premiere the composition completed while in residency at PlySpace this summer. Predominantly written by pianists who are composers, the first piano sonata often marks the beginning of the mid-career and works as an inspiration to bigger works. Kang will discuss the fascinating tradition of sonata writing, why there are so few piano sonatas written by women, and why she believes classical music is relevant, now more than ever. MuncieArts would like to thank collaborative partner, Cornerstone Center for the Arts for hosting this event.
Jung Sun Kang’s music, described as “beautiful, ethereal and heartfelt” (Kapravola Society Journal), seeks a balance between wild imaginations from many different cultures and a firm belief in classical music’s structural tradition.
Kang’s music has been commissioned by Fromm New Music Players, Brave New Works, Shakespeare and Company, fivebyfive, and the Howard Hanson Institute for American Music, among many others. She has received awards from Wildacres, PlySpace, Faber Residency, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center, Willapa Bay, New York Council on the Arts, New Music USA, British Harpsichord Society, as well as Leonard Bernstein Fellowship from Tanglewood Music Center. Her music has been programmed at festivals such as International Carillon in Bruges, Summer @ Eastman, Cambridge Music and Math and Women in Music. Her music is recorded on the ArtistShare, Centaur, Delos, University of Chicago and Prima Facie labels.
An avid performer of early and new music, Jung Sun Kang has given concerts in US, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. She has given world-premiere performances of music written by Robert Morris, Carlos Sanchez-Guiterrez, Juan Trigos, and many more. Since relocating to New York City in 2013, she has been performing at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Yale Club, Manhattan School of Music, Shapeshifter Lab, as well as Duane Park in a part of TriBeCa Art + Culture Night, to name a few.
Kang began her piano studies at age three, and started writing music when she was seventeen. Her curiosity and passion about Bach’s music led her into studying harpsichord and continuo playing as well. She received a BM (summa cum laude) from Ewha University in her native country South Korea and a doctorate from the Eastman School of Music, where she taught and also served as a pianist of the Eastman Musica Nova Ensemble and OSSIA New Music. She also holds an Artist Diploma degree from McGill University, where she received the Schulich Scholarship. Her current interests include music written by composers/pianists, conductor-less chamber music and jazz. She resides on the Upper West Side.
For more information about “First Sonatas” visit our website, www.PlySpace.org. PlySpace Summer Term events can be found on the PlySpace website at www.PlySpace.org/events and the PlySpace Facebook page. Questions or comments about the PlySpace Residency program, events, and community collaborations can be directed to the Program Coordinator, Sarah Shaffer, at sarah@munciearts.org. Learn more about Muncie Arts & Culture Council at www.munciearts.org.
PlySpace is a program of the Muncie Arts and Culture Council. This concert is in partnership with Cornerstone Center for the Arts. PlySpace is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more at plyspace.org.
Jun 18, 2022
Concert Celebrating Pride Month
7pm @
First Presbyterian Church
1400 W. Riverside Ave.
This summer, First Presbyterian Church of Muncie, Indiana is hosting a chamber music series: Peter Douglas & Friends. The first concert "Concert Celebrating PRIDE Month" will take place in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 18 at 7:00pm. Highlights of the program include LGBTQIA+ composers: Leonard Bernstein and Benjamin Britten and LGBTQIA+ performers and allies: Peter Douglas, piano; Liz Felsted, clarinet; Sunwoo Lee, piano; Maegan Pollonais, mezzo soprano; and Rory Wallace, tenor. Admission is free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be collected at each concert to offset the costs of the chamber music series.
Jul 24, 2023
Musical Magic Unleashed: Journey into Astral Mixtape's Out-of-this-World Melodies
7pm @
Music Instruction Building, Ball State University
Sursa Performance Hall
1809 W Riverside Ave, Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: Ages: Astral Mixtape is one of the most exciting new music ensembles with "out-of-this-world sounds" presenting a "one-of-kind event" to quote their most recent host, Meadowlark Music Festival Lincoln, Nebraska. Astral Mixtape is a multifaceted band based in Los Angeles, Astral Mixtape blends classical instrumental virtuosity with the sounds of their generation. They collaboratively create and perform original compositions and arrangements using a unique line-up of two violins, a cello, a piano, a synthesizer, and electronics. Their music combines the spectacle of pop, the spontaneity of jazz, and the experimentation of contemporary music.
Beyond their cutting-edge performances in clubs and concert halls, the quartet has contributed to the soundtracks of numerous short films. Many of these films – such as Leaving the Factory, Broken Layers, and Ink – have won prizes at Cannes and BAFTA film festivals. Most recently, the quartet was named a winner of the prestigious Astral Artists National Competition.
Oct 20, 2024
Faculty Artist Series: Yu-Fang Chen, Zoran Jakovcic, Peter Opie, Michael Seregow, and Anna Vayman 3pm @ Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University Corner of Riverside and McKinley
The Faculty Artist Series features School of Music faculty sharing their talent and passion for music with the campus and community.
Faculty performing will include:
"Piano Quartet No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 15" by Gabriel Fauré
"Piano Quintet No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 89" by Gabriel Fauré
This recital will also be offered as a livestream - visit the Concert Livestream Page to watch live. Streaming begins approximately 15 minutes prior to scheduled concert start time.
Free Admission
This recital is free and open to the public.
Parking is available in the McKinley Parking Garage (entrance on Ashland Avenue) located immediately south of Sursa Hall. On weekdays, metered parking ($1/hr) is available on the first floor of the garage until 7 p.m. at which time parking is free. This garage is free on weekends.
Nov 16, 2024
Piano Day 12:30pm to 6:30pm @ Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Inspiring performances, insightful teaching, and thought-provoking discussions featuring Ball State faculty and students!
Ball State University is an All-Steinway School.
12:30 - 6:30 p.m.*
2:00 Piano Student Showcase, featuring ten of our fine students from all degree programs performing works of Burleigh, Chaminade, Chopin, Granados, Liszt, Khachaturian, Powell-Perry, Prokofiev, Stark, and Villa-Lobos.
5:30 Piano-Palooza, featuring piano faculty members James Helton, Ray Kilburn, Franklin Larey, Lori Rhoden, and Michael Seregow, with a special appearance by College of Fine Arts Dean, Seth Beckman. Program to include music by Bach-Kurtag, Debussy, Granados, Morel, Piazzolla, and Scriabin.*Arrive earlier to receive individual lessons with faculty (by request), tour the campus on your own, or use practice rooms.
Parking is available in the McKinley Parking Garage (entrance on Ashland Avenue) located immediately south of Sursa Hall. On weekdays, metered parking ($1/hr) is available on the first floor of the garage until 7 p.m. at which time parking is free. This garage is free on weekends.
Jan 26, 2025
Faculty Artist Series: Chris van Hof with BSU Trombone Choir, Cassius Goens, and Michael Seregow
3pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Join School of Music faculty Chris van Hof (trombone), Cassius Goens (jazz percussion), Michael Seregow (piano), and the BSU Trombone choir for a captivating night of music from our talented faculty and students!
This concert is a part of our Faculty Artist Series.Learn more about Chris van Hof, BSU Trombone Choir, Cassius Goens, and Michael Seregow.
Feb 5, 2025
Ball State Jazz Ensembles 7:30pm @ Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Cost: General Public: $8 in advance / $10 at the door Seniors: $5 in advance / $7 at the door BSU Faculty/Staff: $5 in advance / $7 at the door Students: free* in advance / $5 at the door About
Enjoy a concert of standard jazz favorites and original compositions with the Ball State University Jazz Ensembles. The ensembles are under the direction of Mark Buselli.
Learn more about the Ball State University Jazz Ensembles.
To be announced.
Tickets available through the College of Fine Arts Box Office located at Sursa Hall starting August 1.
- General Public: $8 in advance / $10 at the door
- Seniors: $5 in advance / $7 at the door
- BSU Faculty/Staff: $5 in advance / $7 at the door
- Students: free* in advance / $5 at the door
*One (1) free student ticket per ID is available in advance (before 5 p.m. on the night of the concert) at the College of Fine Arts Box Office
Purchase Options
- Phone: 765-285-8749
- In person: Monday through Friday from Noon to 5 p.m., or starting 1 hour before the performance
**Please note: As part of our commitment to sustainability, all College of Fine Arts tickets are paperless and are accessible via email confirmation. Your confirmation email contains your digital tickets which can be scanned at the door from your mobile device, or you can print your digital tickets at home to be scanned. There is no need to visit Will Call prior to the performance.
Parking is available in the McKinley Parking Garage (entrance on Ashland Avenue) located immediately south of Sursa Hall. Metered parking ($1/hr) is available on the first floor of the garage until 7 p.m. at which time parking is free.
This concert will be offered as a livestream - visit the Concert Livestream Page to watch live. Streaming begins approximately 15 minutes prior to scheduled concert start time.
Feb 25, 2025
Barron Ryan 7:30pm @ Pruis Hall, Ball State University Ball State University Pruis Hall
Cost: $19.50 advance, $24.50 at door, Youth $10 Barron Ryan’s love for music has always been divided. The son of two musicians, he grew up in a house filled with the sounds of artists ranging from Chopin to Michael Jackson. So when it comes to his own performing, he’s not content drawing on just one influence. He combines them all into a musical adventure that’s vintage yet fresh, historical yet hip, classic yet cool.
Mar 23, 2025
Faculty Artist Series: Franklin Larey (piano) and Jon Truitt (voice)
3pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Corner of Riverside and McKinley
The Faculty Artist Series features School of Music faculty sharing their talent and passion for music with the campus and community. Program to include Songs of Travel and Old American Songs.
Learn more about Franklin Larey and Jon Truitt.
Parking is available in the McKinley Parking Garage (entrance on Ashland Avenue) located immediately south of Sursa Hall. On weekdays, metered parking ($1/hr) is available on the first floor of the garage until 7 p.m. at which time parking is free. This garage is free on weekends.
Faculty Artist Series: Franklin Larey (piano) and Jon Truitt (voice)
3pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Faculty Artist Series: Chris van Hof with BSU Trombone Choir, Cassius Goens, and Michael Seregow
3pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Musical Magic Unleashed: Journey into Astral Mixtape's Out-of-this-World Melodies
7pm @
Music Instruction Building, Ball State University
Sursa Performance Hall
1809 W Riverside Ave, Muncie, IN 47303
Concert Celebrating Pride Month
7pm @
First Presbyterian Church
1400 W. Riverside Ave.
Jung Sun Kang /// "First Sonatas" Artist Talk and Piano Recital
6:30pm @
Cornerstone Center for the Arts
E.B. Ball Auditorium
520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Free America's Hometown Band Concert
4:30pm to 12:42pm @
Emens Auditorium
1800 W Riverside Ave
Ball State Arts Alive Concert Series: Sean Chen, Piano
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
corner of Riverside and McKinley Avenues
America's Hometown Band "Parade of Stars" concert
4:30pm to 12:42pm @
Emens Auditorium
Ball State University
1800 W. Riverside Ave.
Lucrezio Live
10pm to 12:42pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.