64 past events with the painting class tag
0 upcoming events with this tagDec 11, 2018
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
Second Tuesday of every month!
It's the annual Christmas Party, sponsored by Kathy Planton, Thirty-One Gifts! There will be giveaways, food, fun, and come prepared to shop the Thirty-One booth for great Christmas gift ideas!
Can't wait to shop? Visit online for great gift ideas: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mythirtyone.com%2Fus%2Fen%2Fplanton%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2bhewizcWLr-NTgdPBxytNiXKlETh_2scPo9fP2_HQVf4tx0IwGzHBvQU&h=AT2dfTYKpLZcksYDt4s4vI_40xBUEeIacCs0--mXjOk3mqGgM4ljUIZh4_SZ_waDpVGZa2D43D6cVfordMG0NheaBhXJ5JhhECCCUaeuqGI6kxEX7HA3oQ">https://www.mythirtyone.com/us/en/planton
Painting Info:
"Looking in on Christmas" by Michelle Walker
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 12/9/18 6:30pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 30
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to get order some great Cheers food and drinks!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
www.lettherebeart.gallery%2Ftermsconditionspolicies.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR21jRkVbse2SDuuMtSSWR23dUKot2eo8vMSnirb5IBitqeec50P6JXLrpo&h=AT0Mo8GKOjZSmZYtyoeBnAP4-WftUmFvObxhId7p7gkDWl5JuOw5DClDygJ2SanB-37qsmijRl1XUiHS_jsh94ii3YDJCDSEWojpZzToifLKTql74w8e-w" target="_blank" data-lynx-mode="hover">https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/termsconditionspolicies.html
See you at the party!Jan 8, 2019
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
Second Tuesday of every month!
"Cardinal Red Barn" by Michelle Walker
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 1/6/18 6:30pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 30
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to get order some great Cheers food and drinks!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
www.lettherebeart.gallery%2Ftermsconditionspolicies.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0RHyKhIY3xV6KW_E9vK0asjVD7pSTWlEdAOFCeinY3II1JDfY-HTvl-sI&h=AT0ItMDyTNHHKJ8ZV5QfBpTva2mgiZaCDIjQbN8P-zkE4Ovydcundpvrj5grKwz9ytx7DuRxBCNP_0QGcvKx5eW2X1n1Oows-_Vc1_QxE1UIJwhXwH8OHA" target="_blank" data-lynx-mode="hover">https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/termsconditionspolicies.html
See you at the party!Jan 29, 2019
Pinterest Party! "Rose Petal Heart on Canvas" 5:30pm @ Let There Be Art! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 Less Pinning... more doing!
Do you have boards full of Pins that you dream of trying?! So do we!
We're gonna rock those Pins and YOU'RE invited!
Come have fun, we'll clean up!
Pinterest Parties are sponsored by Kathy Planton of Thirty One Gifts, the gifts that show you care! Come early and stay late to shop the Thirty One booth for great gifts, bags, and bargains! Doors open at 5:30pm to shop, snack and settle in! Instruction begins at 6pm!
Can't wait to shop? Visit: https://www.mythirtyone.com/us/en/planton
At every Pinterest Party we'll be giving away an awesome Thirty-One gift, a studio gift, and have complimentary snacks!
Project Info:
"Rose Petal Heart on Canvas"
1 - 2 hours
Rose petals included!
PAID REGISTRATION REQUIRED.REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/january-pinterest-party-tickets-54219624356
Registration deadline: Sun, 1/27/18 6:00pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 35
One giveaway chance per paid registration.
Doors open at 5:30pm to shop, snack & settle in. Instruction begins at 6pm.
Price includes everything you need to create this project:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
When registered, always check your email in case the party is canceled.If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
See you at the party!Oct 3, 2020
Learning from the Masters: The Work of Mondrian 3pm to 5pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $25 Oct 10, 2020
En Plein Air 10am to 12pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts Students will explore locations for subjects upon arrival 520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Ages: High School + Oct 17, 2020
Learning from the Masters: The Work of Basquait 3pm to 5pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
Cost: $25 Ages: High School + Aug 25, 2022
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
6pm to 9pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70; member discounts apply Registration deadline: August 23
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
In this workshop, you will paint on a 12x16 canvas.
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. This event will be socially distanced and masks are required. This workshop space is accessible for those using mobility aids. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Aug 26, 2022
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
6pm to 9pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: Cost: $70; member discounts apply Registration deadline: August 24
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
In this workshop, you will paint on a 12x16 canvas.
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. This event will be socially distanced and masks are required. This workshop space is only accessible via staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Aug 27, 2022
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 6pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: Cost: $110; member discounts apply Registration deadline: August 25
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
In this workshop, you will paint on a 18x24 canvas.
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. This event will be socially distanced and masks are required. This workshop space is only accessible via staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.Oct 27, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: Cost: $70; member discounts apply Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70; member discounts apply Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Nov 2, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Nov 3, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
5pm to 9pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $90; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Nov 17, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Nov 29, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
6pm to 6pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Dec 8, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
10am to 1pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70; member discounts apply Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
Dec 9, 2023
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Cost: $70 Ages: 14 & up Cost: $70; member discounts apply
Paint with a Certified Ross Instructor on the site where Bob painted for years. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to get creative and learn the process of painting in Bob Ross’ signature style. Just bring yourself, and we will provide everything you need to have a great time. Just like Bob said, “Let’s get crazy!”
Bob Ross Painting Workshops are 14 & up unless otherwise noted. All supplies are included. Everyone in attendance must be registered for the workshop, and The Bob Ross Experience ticket is not included. This workshop space is only accessible via a staircase. We do offer workshops in accessible spaces throughout the year. Contact our front desk at 765.282.4848 for more information about accessibility.
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
10am to 1pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
- Bob Ross Painting Workshop 6pm to 9pm @ Minnetrista Museum & Gardens 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 4pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
1pm to 6pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
6pm to 9pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303
Bob Ross Painting Workshop
6pm to 9pm @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
L.L. Ball Home
1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy. IN 47303