Events on April 14, 2024
Cardinal Chorus, Vox Anima, and University Choral Union
3:00pm @
Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University
Corner of Riverside and McKinley
Cost: General Public: $8 in advance / $10 at the door Seniors: $5 in advance / $7 at the door BSU Faculty/Staff: $5 in advance / $7 at the door Students: free* in advance / $5 at the door Under the direction of Andrew Crow and Kerry Glann, the Ball State Choirs present a series of concerts each year featuring a wide range of music from around the world and across the centuries.
The University Choral Union is a large and lively mixed choir that performs a variety of literature, from multicultural pieces to show tunes. The Cardinal Chorus is a tenor-bass ensemble and Vox Anima is a treble-voice ensemble.
These ensembles will conclude their season showcasing songs of love and triumph from widely varying traditions. We will also pay musical tribute to former director of choral activities Douglas Amman and honor our graduating seniors.