From Manuscript to Market: Navigating the Path to Publication

When Tuesday, July 9, 2024
2pm to 4pm
Where E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University
3rd floor
400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
What Education writing, editing and publishing, workshops
Cost $30
Ages 18+
E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center

Cost: $30      
Limited to 15 students
Reservations Required
Please register online at

You have your manuscript (or even a grouping of poems or a short story) ready to send out, but you're not sure how to take the plunge into publication. Do you need an agent? How do you find one? Can you send it to more places than one? What if I get I a failure? Where do you find places that will accept your manuscript? Do I pay big money to get published or do I get paid for my work? How do I get blurbs for my cover? Is self-publishing an option? We will cover these questions, your questions, and so much more in this two-hour workshop on how you can get published - by a big publishing house, smaller presses, or even online journals for a poem or a short story. You will walk away with a lot of ideas, inspiration, and places to get your manuscript or your shorter works published.

Instructor: Lylanne Musselman, award-winning poet, playwright, and visual artist