La Ruta: Walter Benjamin's Last Passage - Jason Reblando and Joanne Diaz

When Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Where Art and Journalism Building, Ball State University
AJ 225 (Second Floor)
1001 N. McKinley Ave.
What Art photography, writing

Jason Reblando and Joanne Diaz will present a collaborative word-image project that explores the intersections of exile, migration, history, and landscape. For millennia, the Pyrenees Mountains have been the site of many kinds of crossings. In La Ruta: Walter Benjamin’s Final Passage, poet Joanne Diaz and photographer Jason Reblando consider two of these crossings: the arduous hike that philosopher Walter Benjamin took across the Pyrenees in 1940 as he evaded Nazi persecution; and the trek that 500,000 Spaniards took from Spain to France at the end of the Spanish Civil War. This collaborative word-image project explores the intersections of exile, migration, history, and landscape.