Middletown Theatre Project

When Friday, September 2, 2011
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Where Muncie Civic Theatre
What Theater
Cost $5

Come join the Middletown Theatre Project as we present the world premiere of a brand new play exploring and celebrating life in Muncie and middle America. Using real voices from the Muncie community, this new work will be performed for the first time featuring a cast of both student and community actors as a fundraiser for Muncie Civic Theatre. Come experience the first public reading of the next piece of Muncie history!

$5 at the door or reserve in advance by calling (765) 288-PLAY or purchasing online at http://www.munciecivic.org/.
All proceeds benefit Muncie Civic Theatre.

Please stay for a discussion following the performance!

The Student Writers
Rebecca Austin
Josh Baker
Hannah Drake
Melody Ekstrom
Craig Ester
Jessica Hoffmann
Erica Kesling
Andrew Neylon
Sarah Paradise
Laura Pittenger
Bradford Reilly
Blake Ricciardi
Kristen Vincenty

The Faculty Advisors
Jennifer Blackmer
Melinda Messineo