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Got the World on a String... Quartet, MSO chamber series

When Saturday, October 5, 2013
6pm to 8:30pm
Where Gill Brothers Furniture
8300 W Vern Dr
What Music adult oriented, cello, chamber concert, chamber concert, classical music, concerts, muncie symphony orchestra, muncie symphony orchestra, non-profit organizations, pop music, string quartet, stringed, viol, viola, violin, world music
Cost adults $25 advance/ $30 at door, BSU students $10 advance/ $15 at door

Travel with the MSO quartet across the world as you enjoy selections that will take you to Vienna, Germany, Russia, Italy, France, Spain, Ireland, and America! For more information visit

Join us for a Happy Hour at Gill Brothers store prior to the concert at 6pm. The concert starts at 7:30pm.

Presenting sponsor and host: Gill Brothers Furniture