a time to rember.
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Events on September 12, 2024
Horticulture Volunteer Days
8:00am to 11:00am @
Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
1200 N Minnetrista Pkwy
Tuesdays & Thursdays | September 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, & 26; 8–11 a.m.
Join the Minnetrista Horticulture team for special volunteer days to learn about and help maintain our beautiful gardens! Volunteers will have the opportunity to serve while expanding their knowledge alongside our professional staff.- CANCELLED -- Beginning Sign Language (Six Thursdays, September 12-October 17) 7:00pm to 9:00pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University 3rd floor 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306
Cost: $95 Ages: 18+ Cost: $95
Limited to 24 students
Reservations Required
Please reserve online at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BALL_EMS057
Instruction in finger spelling and basic conversation based on American Sign Language and signed English.
Certificate of Completion provided to those who attend all six sessions in their entirety.
Instructor: Laura Shadoin, retired teacher, Muncie Community Schools - CANCELLED -- Beginning Sign Language (Six Thursdays, September 12-October 17) 7:00pm to 9:00pm @ E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, Ball State University 3rd floor 400 N. Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, IN 47306