Praxes: Parallel Approaches to a Career in the Arts with Michael Endo

When Wednesday, March 26, 2025
6pm to 7:30pm
Where Art and Journalism Building, Ball State University
Room 225
1001 N. McKinley Ave.
What Art ceramics and glass, glasswork, ball state university, school of art, ball state college of fine arts

Political, technological, academic, and economic shifts since the 1970’s have changed the gallery model that most artists, established and emerging, function within. These changes require diverse approaches to a career in the arts that may look different than the romantic picture painted by media. Successful artist studios are small businesses that manage inventory, marketing, and HR. Through the lens of his own praxes, Artist / Educator / Administrator / Curator Michael Endo, will discuss the multiple and diverse practices and skills that are often necessary to create a stable career in the arts.

About the Artist

Michael Endo was born in Portland, Oregon in 1979. He received an M.F.A. in painting from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, in 2009 and a B.A. from Portland State University, Oregon in 2005. Endo’s studio work has been included in national and international exhibitions at venues such as The National Glass Centre (Sunderland, UK), Disjecta (Portland, Oregon), Yuan Yuan Art Center (Jinan, China), and Bullseye Projects (Portland, Oregon and Mamaroneck, New York). Endo is currently the curatorial consultant at Bullseye Projects, organizing exhibitions at The Byre and assisting with traveling exhibitions and art fairs. In 2019, Endo moved to Yucca Valley, California where he founded High Desert Observatory with his partner Emily Endo. Michael is currently the Artistic Director at Pilchuck Glass School