The Fierce Plays a Recordings Release at Farm Stand 2nd Story Lounge

When Friday, February 21, 2025
Where Farm Stand Second Story Lounge
Above the Downtown Farm Stand
107 South Mulberry Street
What Music concerts, slow food, food and drink, nightlife, beer, wine, farm foods, cocktails
Cost Donation for music, pay for food and drinks
Ages 18+

We (The Fierce) went back into the studio and recorded 5 more songs. We are so excited to share them with you, along with some brand new tunes that you haven't heard yet. Please join us for a night of celebration, great food and drinks, and 2 hours of the home grown, cultivated, and inspiring songs that we have worked hard to bring to you! Per usual, we will include a few Fierceified covers for you!

Please note, a suggested $10 Donation at the door goes to the band and helps The Farm Stand 2nd Story Lounge bring locally grown music to you!

The evening will feature:

A Cajun Menu -

Sausage & Shrimp Gumbo or  Vegetarian Jambalaya

Cocktails, beer, and wine

----and of course, live music by The Fierce!

For additional information about The Downtown Farm Stand and Farm Stand Second Story Lounge, please visit their website or their Facebook pages The Downtown Farm Stand  Events like this help support their cause to provide organic food and drinks to you.


We thank you for your support over the past few years. We can't do it without you!



#TheFierce #localmusic #OriginalMusic #SingerSongwriter #LiveMusic  #Muncie #fortheloveofmusic #wecantdoitwithoutyou #FarmStandSecondStoryLounge #StudioDMediaGroup