Be My Neighbor Day

When Saturday, June 22, 2024
1pm to 4pm
Where Canan Commons
600 S. Walnut St
What General Events concerts, family events, downtown

Join Daniel Tiger for an afternoon of FREE family fun from 1-4 p.m. this Saturday, June 22, at Canan Commons.

The event will also include more than 25 booths (neighbors) offering hands-on activities – from sunflower planting to rock painting to puppet making - for the whole family.

• Meet Daniel Tiger!
• Dance along to live music by the band Patchwork!
• Visit our great neighbors from arts organizations, community centers and other awesome non-profit groups!
• Pick up your very own Be My Neighbor Day tote bag packed with goodies!
• Grab some tasty treats from one of the food trucks!

Based on the animated PBS KIDS show “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood,” and with a nod to “Mister Rogers Neighborhood,” this event focuses on the importance of being neighborly.