Beginner Crochet

When Tuesday, March 15, 2016
6pm to 12:42pm
Where Let There Be Art!
Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator.
2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
What Art crochet, st. patrick's day, yarn
Cost $15

NEW!  Beginner Crochet!
"Shamrocks!"  by Priscilla Swab

Come learn the basics of crochet and take home pretty 3 or 4 leaf clover coasters! 
Start collecting coasters now!  New coasters each month!  Oh the things you can make with them!

Price includes use of crochet hook, and enough yarn to make 2 coasters to take home!  Additional yarn OR gorgeous specialty yarn available for purchase at our neighbor, Tangled Web Studio

​1-2 Hours; $ 15.00

Walk-ins welcome!
OPen Studio 10am-9pm