Guru Mike Casto "Stealing Bases" Martial Arts Seminar

When Saturday, July 26, 2014
12pm to 4pm
Where Buley Center
1111 North Penn Street
What Education martial arts, silat, eskrima / kali, eskrima / kali
Cost $60-$75
Ages Adults only

Guro Mike Casto is the founder of Indonesian Pencak Silat and Filipino Eskrima group AGPS Martial Arts.

Balance is vital in a fight. Whether on your feet or on the ground, having a solid base is essential. A solid base provides stability and a platform for movement and generation of power for our techniques. Whether we’re striking, locking, choking, throwing, or disarming, we need a solid base.

The opponent needs base too. If we’re able to steal our opponent’s base then we weaken his stability, mobility, and power generation. We disrupt his ability to attack us and his ability to protect himself from our attacks. Keep your opponent off balance or in a constant state of flux, and you have the upper hand.

Open to all, regardless of background or experience.

Cost: $75 ($60 before July 23)

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