Muncie Economic Empowerment Community Voice Meeting

When Wednesday, February 13, 2013
6:30pm to 12:42pm
Where Maring-Hunt Public Library
2005 S. high St.
What Activism community activism, non-profit organizations, volunteering, empowerment
Muncie Economic Empowerment would like to introduce a new paradigm in poverty reduction and local wealth building to Muncie, IN. We will reduce generational poverty by creating cooperative business ventures that will be owned and run democratically by the workers, and savings and investment initiatives to assist in anchoring that wealth locally. We would also like to build collaborative programs with like-minded organizations and community members to further build dialogue regarding poverty and to help the public become more aware of the benefits of cooperative businesses. If you'd like to learn more or help us work toward this new vision of Muncie, join us for our Community Voice Committee meeting.