Montana Skies

When Tuesday, November 27, 2012
7:30pm to 12:42pm
Where Pruis Hall, Ball State University
What Music
Cost See website for details

Their name, Montana Skies, is a metaphor for musical freedom, and they continue to follow their creative insticts far beyond traditional boundaries. In concert, these award winning musicians delve into music from Pink Floyd and Rush to Vivaldi, and House of the Rising Sun, as well as their own originals that have been featured everywhere from NPR to the Travel Channel. Combining elements of classical technique, jazz improv and the power and energy of rock n' roll; Jonathan's guitar wizardry and Jenn's blazing electric cello combine to create a sound that is truly remarkable. While the music defies simple categorization, it is a fusion in the truest sense of the word. It's been called everything from chamber rock to psychedelic strings. Whatever you want to call it, rest assured, this ain't your grannies chamber music.