Events on November 9, 2024
UU Church of Muncie Rummage Sale
8:00am to 12:00pm @
Unitarian Universalist Church
4800 W. Bradford Dr., Muncie
- Quaker Bakery 10:00am to 2:00pm @ Muncie Friends Church East Room of Education Wing 418 W. Adams Street
The Quaker Bakery will offer an assortment of delicious food, just in time for your holiday planning. Items for purchase will include pot pies, chicken & noodles, apple dumplings, breads, pies and spiced pecans. We will have a variety of sweets including buckeyes, peppermint bark, fudge, sugared almonds, chocolate pretzels, and back by popular demand, the Cookie Walk will include all of your favorite cookies. Hope to see you there!
- Muncie Mama's Market 11:00am to 5:00pm @ Delaware County Fairgrounds Heartland Hall 1210 Wheeling Ave, Muncie IN
Cost: $2 at the door A Curated indoor market for women and moms of all types.
- One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure 3:30pm to 4:30pm @ Charles W. Brown Planetarium, Ball State University 2111 West Riverside Avenue
"One World, One Sky" is a brilliant program that follows Sesame Street's Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, a new friend from China. Together, they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth. They will also find shapes in the sky that will help them find the North Star. This cross-cultural adventure opens children's eyes to the sky, helping them see how people all over the world are connected.
Best suited for families and groups with pre-K through 1st grade learners, all ages are welcome.- Birth of Planet Earth 5:00pm to 6:00pm @ Charles W. Brown Planetarium, Ball State University 2111 West Riverside Avenue
How did Earth come to be a life-supporting planet? Where did our Moon come from? What does Earth’s history tell us about our chances of finding other worlds that are truly Earth-like? This show tells the twisted tale of our planet’s origins, and helps us explore the potential of other possible worlds like our own.
Suitable for all ages 10+, all ages are welcome.- The Universe Update 6:30pm to 7:30pm @ Charles W. Brown Planetarium, Ball State University 2111 West Riverside Avenue
Travel through our universe in both space and time during this live presentation and learn about the most recent and exciting astronomy news. Hear updates about the JWST team and their findings, learn about stellar evolution and black holes, and find out how space exploration and research can help us out on Earth.
Suitable for all ages 12+, all ages are welcome. - Quaker Bakery 10:00am to 2:00pm @ Muncie Friends Church East Room of Education Wing 418 W. Adams Street